Chapter Three

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I was furious with anger as I watched them pull away slowly, a smile etching onto their faces. They weren't ashamed about it, they hadn't noticed that a car was standing right ahead on them. At least, they hadn't until I slammed the car right into the teenage boy's body, and he was crushed against the wall, blood splattering everywhere.

Just kidding.

The only thing that was stopping me from doing just that was the fact that Vienna, the same little girl who had worn pigtails everyday and little plaid skirts while she sat all day playing with dolls and perfecting the appearance of the dollhouse I got her for her 7th birthday, was wrapped around him. Her small legs tangled in between his, her soft soft hair, that up until now I had been the only one who touched it, was being twirled in between his filthy fingers. If I ran over him, I'd have to run over her, too.

I would never do that, even if she betrayed me in the worst possible way.

Like now.

I was seeing red as I got out of the car and slammed the door closed, gaining their attention and making them jump away from each other, alarmed. The next thing I know, I have the teenager pushed into the wall, his face being crushed under my fist, over and over again.

"Daddy!" She gasped as she processed what was happening, her palm flying to cover her mouth.

She sprung into action, grasping my hands as she screamed at me to stop. But I showed him no mercy, not until I had raised my fist to strike him again and she stood in the way. She looked me in the eye, as if daring me to hit her, as if she knew I would never do it.

She knew she was my weakness.

And that scared me very much. My hard expression softened, the heat died down and I started to back away, breathing heavily. I had one of my anger problems again, Vienna's sweet blue eyes filled with worry. She had seen this before, when she'd accidentally upset me as a child. She knew what to do in case these fits of uncontrollable anger escaped it's cage again.

"Daddy." She breathed out as she walked towards me, she held my hands, her thumbs running over my bloodied knuckles and she brought them to her delicate lips, pressing a kiss to them.

My breathing regulated and I just stared at her. I wanted to hug her, walk her to the nearest ice cream booth and forget this ever happened. I started to feel guilty about what I had done, and as I opened my mouth to muster any apology I could, she shook her head and backed away from me once again.

She ran over to tend to the beaten up boy, helped him get up and I frowned at how quickly she forgot me and ran to the exact person who was the cult of all this sudden tension between us.

"Vienna." I spoke up, my voice raspy. She ignored me and I sighed shakily, looking down at my knuckles guiltily. I thought the situation over. I knew I had to be the angry one here, I had to take control of the situation like a responsible parent and punish her so that she never does this again. But how? The farthest I've went to hurt her was to hit her palm and quickly kiss it afterwards.

"Get in the car." I said softly. She ignored me once again, murmuring apologies to the creature as he assured her he was okay, that it was worth getting beat up for.

Son of a bitch.

"Get in the car, goddamnit!" I yelled suddenly, marching towards her. She was startled and stared at me like a deer caught in headlights. I hated doing this, I hated scaring her but I knew I had to do it for the sake of protecting her.

I grabbed her arm and dragged her to the car as she yelped at me to stop. I shoved her into the car, glaring at her harshly. "We will talk about this at home, young lady." I hissed and slammed the door close.

I got into the car. The car ride home was silent, and I could tell Vienna was itching to talk to me, desperate to break the ice, make things go back to how they were. But that was impossible.

As we got home and I unlocked the door she ran upstairs to her room, and while she was at it I had noticed tears pouring out of her stormy blue eyes. She stopped suddenly, turned to me, and said something that made me break from the inside. The way she said it, the way she spat it with so much unfathomable venom made me wonder if I had gone too far, if she'll ever forgive me, if I'll ever forgive myself for hurting her so much;

"I hate you." She spat as tears spilled down her reddened cheeks, "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you."


I think I'll double update tonight, I can't stand to leave you hanging like that. Love you guys!

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