Just Time Pass?

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In a dark gowdown in the outer parts of Istanbul, Turkey we can see a lady in black is standing in front of a chair where a man is tied. The man slowly starts to gain consciousness. He looks around confused and then his eyes falls on the lady. The lady uncovers herself and lowers her mask.

 The lady uncovers herself and lowers her mask

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The man looked at her shocked...
Man: Tigress?!?!
Mahi smirked at him.
Mahi: Yes!!! The one and only. Well how does it feel to be in the clutches of the Tigress, Alison?
Ali: Tigress why have you tied me like this?
Mahi: Aww...you really wanna know?
He nodded. She grabbed his neck and howled...
Ma: Because you dared to mess with The TIGRESS...You need to pay the price darling 😏 Dont tell me that it wasn't you who leaked our attack plans to Shikavat? So just fuck off...
Ali: N-no, not at a-all Tigress, how could you think that u would do so?
Mahi goes dangerously close to Alison with smirk...and an EVIL GLINT 😈 in her eyes..
Ma: Do you think I will believe you? And now...time for punishment baby...
Alison screamed...
Ali: I didn't do anything!!!!
There lied the motionless body of Alison shot on his head... Mahi dropped her SIG Sauer P365 and turned back only to see her besto Rohan leaning in the door smiling at her 😄.
Ro: Was this needed Mahi?
Ma: Of course it was Ro. I dont like unfaithful employees and moreover this shit of man Alison tried to lie to me...Me? MAHI Singhania! How dare he? So he had to pay the price by sacrificing his dear life😏😏... Anyways these type of games are like my pass time hobbies...
Rohan shook his head.
Ro: Anyways we need to get going. Let's go to Shinning Stars( Mikku's company). There's a lot of pending works...
Ma: ok..get the car ready. I'll tell Mia to pack this body and throw it in the river...
Ro: Great 👍..
Ro went from there when mikku went to her cabin to place the gun 🔫 in her drawer safely. She then went to the garage and zoomed off in her car.
Rohan's POV:
I reached my office quiet worried. Actually I am worried for Mahi. She's so stubborn and desperate. Never listens to me! I mean what if that man, what was his name? Alison, yes! So what if he planned to tell Shikavat everything...it would do no good as we always have a backup plan..I entered by cabin only to see my barbie sitting on my chair frowning cutely..
Me: Baby...
Shyra: Ro...(comes and hugs me) It's soooooo longgggg I met you...how is my baby?
Me: Not well without you 😉
Now this is also one of my qualities...I flirt openly with my baby...and not to mention her cheeks turn to my favourite colour red!❤❤...
Shyra: (smacks my arm) Shameless!!!
Me: Now can I get my morning kiss?
Want to see our kiss too? No way 😳 give us privacy guys🙄🙄
POV ends
Mahi's side:
She was driving her car whistling when it stopped with screech. She came out and saw the front left tyre punctured...
Mahi: Oh holy shit! Now what happened to this God damn tyre...Yaar Mahi tera aaj din hi kharab hai...
Suddenly she heard a sound...precisely a boy calling her..
Guy: Ma'am, can I help you?

Who is this guy?
Guess, guess, guess!
And tell me in the comments...
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Stay home, stay safe...
Radhe, Radhe!

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