Best friend

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Maria decided to sleep in that morning and woke up when the sun was peeking through the blinds. She yawned loudly and lazily dragged herself into the bathroom. After her morning routine of brushing her teeth and hair, which she tied into a bun, she trudged into the kitchen and picked up the box of fruit loop she left on the counter. She made a mental note to go to shopping today and poured her breakfast into a bowl.
She walked into her living room, breakfast in hand and curled up on her chair. She was just about to settle in to binge watch romantic series when she heard her doorbell ring. Murmuring about unwanted guests, she walked to the door and yanked it open.
Her scowling face broke into a smile when she saw her gay best friend, Kurt, standing outside her door, chocolate box in hand and a huge smile on his face.
"Heeeyyyy girrrllll"
"Urrgh Kurt it's too early to be in such a good mood" she collected the chocolate from him and walked into the kitchen, leaving Kurt to follow. She turned back and stared at him, accessing his looks. Kurt loved dressing in bright colors and today,he was wearing a Neon pink leggings, grey sweater and a bright pink scarf around his neck. Like always, he managed to pull it off.
"I'm still gay darling, stop staring" He said smirking and hanging his scarf by the door.
"You're obviously still annoying. Why you here anyway, it's early" She loved having Kurt over but he can be too much to handle sometimes.
"Well you're not working today. And you obviously need groceries, so I'm here to help" "Go get dressed"
Staring at her closet, she pulled out her favorite pair of mom jeans, a rose patterned top and her favorite worn out boots. She quickly got dressed knowing Kurt could barge in if she took too long. Not one to wear too much makeup, she applied a little bit of gloss to her lips and walked out to find Kurt sitting and popping bits of chocolates into his mouth and staring at the screen. He sure knows how to make himself comfortable.
"Hey I'm ready"
"Woah girl you look beautiful"
Maria rolled her eyes playfully at him, took her scarf by the door and walked out, locking her door behind her.

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