Detective James

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It's been four days since Maria went missing and the police haven't gotten a lead. The bag they found led them nowhere as it was only Maria's fingerprints they found on it.
"So do you think you can find her?" Ryan asked the man, a private investigator that Mike had referred to him. He claims he's the best in the city and if anyone could find Maria, it's him. Ryan hoped he was right.
"Well this case seems to be quite difficult as we don't even know where to begin. I don't..." he was interrupted by Ryan who thrusted a piece of paper in his hands. He unfolded the piece of paper and widened his eyes.
"That's just half payment. It's yours whether you find her or not. But remember, there's more if you do find her Detective"
Detective James stared at him and sighed.
"This is very tempting Mr Wilcox but I'll prefer you hold on to this. We'll talk about my payment when I get the job done." He handed the paper back to him. Ryan smiled, Mike was right, the man took his job seriously.
"Now back to the case at hand. Do you have any idea who might want to harm Miss Miller?"
Ryan shook his head
"No. No. She's easygoing and quiet. My sister and sister-in-law are her only friends in New York."
"And where does she stay before coming here?"
"Does she have close friends there?"
"Just one. Kurt."
"Okay. I understand she has a restaurant here?"
"Yes yes she does. She just opened shop a month ago"
The detective jotted down these informations
"May I speak to her staff?"
"Yes yes."
"And her friends?"
"Yes you may"
"Okay good."
He chewed on his pen as he stared at Ryan.
"And what about you Mr Wilcox? Do you have enemies that might want to get to you through Miss Miller? I understand you both are quite the item"
"I'm a business man, I have lots of enemies."
"And ex-lovers? Surely there'll be someone that hates your relationship with Miss Miller?"
Ryan sat back in his chair as his mind raced
"The only person I can think of is Lydia Brown. She's my ex-fiancée. She used to bother me but then she stopped. She's crazy but I don't think she's that crazy."
The detective smiled.
"Never underestimate a woman Mr Wilcox."  He said standing, Ryan also getting to his feet. They shook hands and he left.
Ryan felt a little better. This man was going to find his love, he was sure of it.  
He climbed the stairs back to Maria's room where he'd been sleeping since she went missing.
He laid on the bed, hugging a pillow that still smelled faintly of her.
"Hang on my love, we're going to find you" he whispered softly into the pillow.
"RYAN!! You have a visitor!!!"
He heard his sister scream from down the stairs. He'd been trying to get some work done on his computer at home. He'd been neglecting his job since the incident and Daniel had been kind enough to help with some of his work but he knew he couldn't continue abandon his responsibilities.
He frowned as he set aside the computer and walked out of the room. He wondered briefly who this visitor was and he soon found out.
Lydia was sitting gracefully in the living room, ignoring the hateful glare Aubrey was throwing at her. She jumped up immediately she saw him and ran into his arm. He frowned.
"Ryan! Oh my darling, you look awful. Are you unwell?"
Aubrey snorted and walked out of the room, throwing Lydia one last look.
"Lydia what are you doing here?" He asked pushing her away.
She pouted
"I heard about Maria's.... disappearance. I know you two were huh friends" she said, walking back to her seat.
"How do you know Maria?"
She gave him a look
"People talk Ryan."
He folded his arms and glared at her
"You're not here to talk about Maria's disappearance. What do you want?"
"That's no way to talk to your fiancée Ryan" she frowned
"Ex-fiancée. Look Lydia I do not have time for your games right now."
She stood up and walked towards him with a single tear rolling down her face. He rolled his eyes.
"I miss you Ryan. I miss what we had. Don't you?"
"Whatever feelings I had for you died when you killed our baby Lydia. So no. I don't miss you. I don't want anything to do with you. I love Maria and as soon as I find her, I'm going to make her my wife"
He watched as her face got red and he almost laughed.
She grabbed her purse and walked past him, pausing at the door.
"How sure are you that you'll find her?" She asked and without waiting for a reply, walked out, closing the door loudly behind her, leaving Ryan standing and frowning.
What the hell does that mean?.
He picked up his phone and dialed a number.
The click tone.
"Hello detective"

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