Chapter 2 The New Roommate

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  As I was looking at the guy who I don't know name was lying on the couch sleeping. Jane was walking in the living room on her iPod touch. "Oliva, Which song should I put on my BOTDF. IDGAF  or  ima monster?" she ask. She kneel. Then she saw the guy on the couch. Then look back at me. "Muder Rape!" she joked. I gave her a small shove. "Shut up. I saw him outside. Passed out. What I had to do leave him outside." I explain.

  "Yes." corrected my sister. I roll my eyes. Heeather walked in got a gym bag. She work out sometime. "Heather you got to help us." I said. She walked to us. Looking at us. "Guy. So how this invold me." she said.  I was putting my hair down. "I don't know. Help us hide him." I roared. Then she looked at me with her eye sparkling at me.

  Then she dropped her gym bag on the coffee table. "Okay." she said.


  We all was picking him up. Jane was picking him up my his head. Heather picked him up by feel or leg. I was picking him up by chest. arms. He was pretty hevy. We was about to take him to the attic. Seem rude but I can;t get in trouble. Not now. Not today. Anyday I don't want to get in trouble. Then when our evil plan was just about to work. His eye shot open. Then he started to scream. We all dropped him on the ground.

  "Your alive." yelled Heather. It seem like she was off in this plan we was doing. "Your have realxing voice." smiled Jane giving him the eyebrow. He was standing back bumping to me. "Hey watch it." I yelled right in his ear. He started to gaze into my eye like medusa's snake looking in our eye turning us to stone.

   I turned around and walk to the couch and turn on the tv which channel ended up on ABC Family. Jane walked over and muted the tv. "So do you go to school around here?" she ask. He total ingore her quistion. Getting that hair out of his face. Cracking his fingers. "I should be heading home." he yawned. No one didn't say anythang. He just walked out of the door.


  I was on my laptop. Chating to Tasha and Katie. "Are you feeling better Katie?" I ask. She gave me a sweetie pie face. "Yes, Thanks for asking."  she smiled. We saw Katie looking for stuff we can draw. We all joined for it. Who ever won get it on the wall in the hallway. We all thought it sounded kinda fun. "How about a basket of pink, white, and red bouquet." suggested Katie. Tasha shook her head. Katie looked at her side of the other icon. So did I. "It seem to easy. We need a challenge!" explain Tasha.

  Katie looked in the air. Tasha was playing with her finger. "I got it." I snapped.  Everybody looked right at me.

  "Well spit it out." called Katie.

  "We cam draw a smoking logo. We can draw many stuff on why we shouldn't smoke. Too much people smoke at our school we need to teached them a lesson." I replied.  They looked amazed of my plan. "I have to log off. See you later." I said. I logged off and closed my laptop.


  The next day getting ready for school. I was wearing a grey hoodie. Black tights and brown snow boots. I was waiting for Heather and Jane. The first one who came out was Heather. Wearing a blue shirt and boy jeans, black converse. I started to sit on the couch. Heather kicked under the table. "I wonder? What happen to the boy from yesterday?" ask Heather. I looked at her as my hair flew in the hair. "I know it better be somewhere not riding a bike." I joked. We both laughed.

 Then my door knob turned. Jane was  outside. "Guess who's moving in." shouted my sister. We both turned around. "Who?" I asked confused. She moved out of the way. Then it was the boys. My jaw dropped.

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