Break my back

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It was a long and fun day for zhongli and madame ping. They were both walking near a hilichurl camp when suddenly madame ping smelled a very sweet scent, it was irresistible. Zhongli on the other hand was warm and panting. As the alpha, madame ping decided to help zhongli with his heat and lead him to her tea pot. Inside her tea pot it was very.... Musty and dirty but it will do. As zhongli was lying in bed madame ping said "look at you needing for attention of an alpha" she pulled out a box from under her bed "might as well help you" she smirked. Shit that turned zhongli even more. Not exactly like he's used to it but it was still hot. "I-I am mm~" zhongli was a blushing mess. With that the old female took her skirt off, her bushy puduhssy showing, though it looked like she trimmed her gray pubes. As she opened the box it revealed a colorful strap, it was at least 8 inches long. Zhongli was amazed my the size of that thing he was like ":0" madame ping ripped off zhonglis pants revealing his hardened cock."turn around" she growled, zhongli obeyed her and lied down on his stomach spreading his legs so she could get a view of his ass. As she stroke her strap, she got a bottle of lube and squeezed a great amount to prepare zhongli, she started to insert one finger. "You are so tight....just perfect for me" she said pumping her finger in and out, adding another finger . Oh the pretty whimpers and moans that zhongli made were exquisite *chefs kiss*. This made madame ping more horny. Especially his pink hole. She didn't know what to do with such pretty omega in her position. "P-please...fuck me already mm~" the submissive and breedable male said. This encouraged madame ping to a lined herself in his entrance, she made sure not to hurt her omega. Zhongli was speechless and waited to get comfortable but then signaled her to continue. At first she went slow but zhongli didn't like that. "Please go faster~" zhongli insisted
" I can't go any faster" she replied. She knew her limits.
"Please please please" he kept on insisting, it was starting to bug her. As he kept telling her to go faster madame ping finally did. Her thrusting was faster and rougher.


She stopped.

Her back cracked and her body was left there with the strap on, inside zhongli. She died. And she ascended to celestia.

But was zhongli really zhongli?

No, he wasn't. It was actually the abyss trying to mess with her.

As her body was lying in bad, strap still on. The mages were laughing they're ass off, shitting bricks and screaming of joy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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