Chapter 1

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Another event. Night after night, the teenager could be found in a lavish dress, violin case in her left hand, and her benefactor, Grant, hovering behind her, speaking to clients interested in her talents. His rules were absolute.

One: Don't speak unless prompted.

Two: Every performance shall be perfection.

Three: Always please the clients

Four: No outside relations beyond the job.

She'd never known others her own age. Her education lacking, only taught basic reading and writing along with etiquette. Music took up most of her days, whether practice or event. Her talent coveted by many, but they never acknowledged the work that she put in.

"Ah, Comte! What a wonderful party. We greatly appreciate the invitation. Your pianist, Wolfram, I'd like to have him play a duet with my Coralie." His hands rested on the young girl's shoulders.

The regal man he spoke to gave an empty smile until his golden eyes met the mismatched amethyst and blue ones, where it turned quite warm. "Monsieur DuPont, I was unaware you had a daughter."

Grant chuckled, digging his fingers into her bared skin when she didn't immediately return the friendly smile. "No. This lovely, gifted violinist is sadly not of my blood. I am simply showcasing her talent here in Paris."

"I see. However, I do not dictate whom Wolfram plays with, but I am more than willing to introduce her to him. That is, if you'd like."

The tension was thick in the air between the two powerful men. Most groveled in the great Grant DuPont's presence. This man was quite different. Coralie dare not check to see how her benefactor reacted to Comte's veiled pleasantries.

The musician they spoke of had been researched, like all with potential to leverage for the young girl to be seen by the most patrons. Wolfram Theophillius Perti. He'd been compared to the likes of Mozart. Coralie had yet to hear him play, but if he were in the same league, then for the first time, she actually wanted to meet him.

Most of those she played with were subpar, and she preferred to play alone, but she could never voice those opinions.

Thank them with a smile. Stroke their ego. Laugh at their cruel jokes.

Being a musician in this world was hard work, competitive. Many believed it not a place for women, much less a child. Some were unkind to her, jealous of her ability, of how a fifteen-year-old could play circles around them.

Always be charming, my dear. Dazzle them with your performance so no one can argue that you don't belong.

The words of her father echoing in the back of her mind, bringing a small amount of comfort.

Grant smiled tensely but relented. He placed a sloppy kiss on her temple, all his affection for show. "Do take good care of my lovely Coralie. She's very precious to me." His tone light but she recognized it for what it was.

She was a commodity that brought him fame and fortune.

"I certainly will. Mademoiselle Coralie, I will escort you to Wolfram."

With a soft thank you, she fell in step beside Comte. Eyes followed her wherever she went. Envy. Intrigue. Lust. Many high-class gentlemen wanted something from her, but never directly addressed her in fear of angering DuPont.

Somehow, it felt as though it wasn't just her, they were watching.

"I haven't had the pleasure of hearing you play, but the talk among my friends is all high praise. Are you from Paris?" He'd heard many things. The young girl having only been here for a half a year and yet all social circles knew of her.

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