🤧💔Something Beyond Reality💝😌

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So, Are you ready to go on a ride of roller coaster? If yes, then go ahead!.

So, let's start with💋😅

{*"A Kiss brimful of Impatience"*}

{*"A Kiss brimful of Impatience"*}***************************

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Arriving back home being drowsy full. Neil gave some rest to his exhausted self. Trips after trips and annoying business meets were never easy we all knew. And cherry on top is the gold damn success parties which leads to whole damn worn out.

Relaxing his muscles while resting his arms on the big couch, he took a deep breath calming himself from the before accident which would've not happend if he were in his senses.

Yeah! he wasn't in his senses even though he didn't drink any such drinks that would have blocked his thinking capacity.

But he being the son of bitch. Nah! actually a true bastard in every sense as per his saying and doing fucking eyed a hot chicken piece wearing almost a lingerie and ready to seduce girl.

And now that Sir is fully in his senses is angry on himself that how could he do that to her? how could he almost cheat on her? whom he claims to be his. how could he nearly betray her with someone else? How could he?

Ahh! The same excuses!
The writer is so mad at him-_-

Closing his eyes, resting there he didn't dared to go and check on her because he is guilty. Guilty over his own actions! how will he face her now? No! he can't. will she forgive him? if he said her his side story and how sorry he is for it. will she?.

What do you think?

He wish she would not. Because his deeds isn't forgetful, he would have kissed and have almost kissed her. If her thought didn't came at the right time argg... how could he?

Vanishing the silent atmosphere she came there all happy by the thought that she could now spend a quality time with her husband! which she couldn't due to their busy schedules.

"Your back home! when did you come and why did not you informed me?"
Avni blabbered at once after seeing him almost after weeks.

"Half an hour before and I thought you were sleeping. So, I didn't disturbed you"
He answered all looking down. To guilty to even make an eye contact and ofcourse he should be! his sins isn't forgetful.

A Kiss Can Solve Everything Where stories live. Discover now