First Victim

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Los Angeles, California

Two young girls, no more than 13 or 14 years old, were playing in the water as the tide came in. The two splashed each other with playful glee, unaware of what was about to happen.

Elly: Come on Stella, give it up!

Stella: Not until you give up first!

Elly: Why've you gotta be so stubborn all of the time?

Stella: Stubborness is in my blood, Elly!

The two laughed their lungs out with all the fun they were having. They were having so much fun that they didn't notice that they were being pulled out into deeper waters by the tide.

Back on land, the mother of the two girls was looking for her children, not knowing they had gone to the beach to play.

Megan: Elly! Stella! Where are you two girls?! Dinner is ready!

Suddenly, the ground began to shake violently, knocking over numerous objects such as mailboxes and trees. Cars and buildings shook from the force of the earthquake. Unbeknownst to the residents of Los Angeles, the cause of the tectonic shaking was not an earthquake, but something far more sinister.

The teenage sisters had finally noticed that they had been pulled out by the tide. Fortunately, they were close enough to the shore that they could swim back easily.

Stella: We really should head back, Elly. It's way past dinner time and Mom's probably worried sick.

Elly: You're right, let's go home.

The two girls started to swim back to shore. Neither noticed the dark circle below them, rapidly growing in size. Suddenly, the water started to bubble before violently shooting up into the sky. The girls were taken up with the water as all three were engulfed by a set of fearsome jaws.

Everything went pitch black for the girls as they floated in the water.

Stella: Oh my god! What just happened?

Elly: I don't know, but it looks like we're in some sort of… MOUTH?!!!

No sooner had Elly come to this realization before a massive, slender tongue rose up beneath their feet and threw the girls and the water into a gigantic throat. Stella and Elly both emitted a bone chilling scream as they were pulled down a tight, undulating tube with all the water. The last thing they would ever hear in their lives was a loud, deafening "GULP!!!"

A sigh of pleasure emerged from a giantess standing in water that was waist deep from her perspective.

Sarah: Hm! So this is what humans taste like?

The giantess peared towards the bustling city.

Sarah: I CAN'T WAIT!!!

She then swallowed all of the girls' remaining taste before diving back into the water, returning to the dark ocean depths from which she had come from.

This one giantess' consumption of two teenage sisters would turn out to be the prelude to an event destined to cripple mankind forever: The Great Giantess Invasion of Earth.

Giantess Apocalypse: Dominion of the EarthWhere stories live. Discover now