The Monsters Arise

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The disappearance of the two girls barely broke the headlines, meaning very few knew of the event. One person refused to forget the event, the girls' mother. She was devastated when investigators failed to find anything. All she wanted was to see her babies. However, She and the rest of L.A's citizens would soon have more pressing issues to attend to.

Miami, Florida

It was a hot summer's day at Miami beach. The sandy shores and boardwalks were overrun by children, shirtless dudes and scantily clad babes. It was all sunshine and fun for the beachgoers, but that was all about to change.

A teenage boy had decided to swim out into the ocean, too far from the coast. One of the lifeguards, Angela, had spotted the mischievous boy and groaned in annoyance.

Angela: What part of "stay within so and so meters of the beach" do these people not understand? This guy's gonna be the seventh kid today.

Becky: Don't worry, I can get him for you.

Angela looked down to see her friend, Becky, beside her post.

Angela: But it's not your shift yet.

Becky: Yeah, I know, but I've got nothing better to do. And besides, you need a break anyway.

Angela: Alright, knock yourself out. Just make sure you get him back to shore in one piece.

Becky: Of course I will, how could I not?

Becky then ran towards the water, diving in and beginning her swim towards the boy. As she swam, she was momentarily stopped by a muscle spasm in her left leg. Becky reeled back in pain, gripping her leg as she floated in the water. The pain lasted only a few seconds and Becky was able to continue her swim. This seemingly minor inconvenience had distracted Becky long enough for her to miss the boy being sucked below the waterline by something.

Becky: Okay Becky, you're almost there… I think? Where did he go?

Becky stopped swimming and looked around in confusion. She had swam out so far that she could barely make out anyone on the beach beyond a tiny speck.

Becky: Where could he have gone?

As Becky pondered this, she felt a strange sensation in the water below. Without a moment longer to think, Becky was violently sucked below the waterline into perpetual darkness.

In an instant, Becky disappeared from view. No one knew it yet, but she had become a victim to the same forces that had taken the twins in California.

Speaking of California…

Los Angeles, California

Anne, the mother of the two girls who had gone missing, stood at the shoreline of the beach, crying her eyes out for the daughters she would likely never see again.

Anne: Oh, Elly… Stella… where are you? Who would be so cruel as to take my babies away from me?

To Anne's surprise, she would get an answer in the form of a dark shadow. It grew ever larger and ever closer to the beach. Then it stopped, everything went silent. Anne held her breath in confusion and fear.

The silence broke like a city being consumed by a sinkhole, as the water rose high in the sky and came crashing back down to reveal an unbelievable sight. Standing over Anne was a giantess, as tall as a skyscraper. The lady had a slim body, the kind you see on magazines, with skin that almost seemed to glow. She had long, blonde hair and bright red lips. Covering her body was a vibrantly ocean blue bikini and panties.

Sarah: Today's the day. Time to finally meet the human race, with an a. HAHAHAHAHA!

The giantess looked down at Anne with her blue eyes.

Sarah: Well would you look at that. I guess I won't have to wait until I get to the big city.

The giantess reached down toward Anne, who screamed in terror as she tried to run away, but the giant hand grabbed her with ease. Anne was then raised high into the sky until she was above the giantess' head. She looked down to see her smirking with playful, cheeky glee.

Sarah: Down you go!

The giantess moved Anne directly over her lips. She then opened her mouth wide and stuck her slick, slender tongue out with a great big "AAHH!"


As Anne yelled in protest at the giantess' action, she suddenly came to a realization.

Anne: (Elly, Stella! She did it, she must have…)

The giantess let go of Anne, dropping her directly into her dark, gaping throat. She wasted no time in swallowing the poor mother down.

Sarah: I'll let her be an appetizer. Off to… whatever they call that city.

The giantess began walking towards Los Angeles, shaking the ground with each mighty footstep. As she walked, the giantess found a sign that told her the name of the city.

Sarah: Los Angeles, so that's what they call it. Well then, here I come, Los Angeles!

Miami, Florida

It had been over an hour since Becky had swam off to get the teenage boy, and neither had come back. Angela was beginning to worry.

Angela: Where on earth could she be? It couldn't possibly take Becky THIS long to get one misbehaving boy.

Angela then noticed a dark circle in the water. It seemed to grow ever larger by the second. Many of the beachgoers also took notice of the dark spot.

Then without warning, a massive object shot out of the water. What Angela and all the other beachgoers saw left them in shock.

The day of reckoning had arrived, and the apocalypse was ready to begin.

Giantess Apocalypse: Dominion of the EarthWhere stories live. Discover now