Sarah's L.A. Rampage, Part 1

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It seemed like it would be a normal day for the people of Los Angeles. Crowds of people filled the streets and the sounds of cars and trucks echoed for miles. It was business as usual… until the ground started to shake violently.

Martha, a young adult woman working a job at the office, was out getting coffee when it happened. All around her she could hear people talking, all confused and coming up with ideas as to what was going on.

Random Woman: Is it an earthquake?

Random Man 1: It must be the Alligators that I hear crawl around in the sewers!

Random Man 2: Don't be ridiculous, those aren't real!

The idea of gators in the sewer would seem much more believable when the people saw what was causing the tectonic shifting.

Walking along the L.A. highway was a mighty giantess who would come to be known as Sarah Titan. Those driving down the busy highway looked up in awe at the gigantic girl and her slim upper body as she walked down the city streets, crushing anything and everything under her feet.

The crowds of people watching from the ground screamed in terror and began running in every direction that wasn't towards Sarah. Martha was caught up in the stampede, being toppled over and falling onto the ground. Her coffee cup spilled onto her in the process, burning the poor girl slightly.

By the time the fleeing crowd had sprinted to better parts, Martha was exposed to the eyes of the giantess more than she would have liked. She and any others who had not yet fled the area ran for the nearest buildings, looking to get to higher ground. Sarah spotted the fleeing populace and started stomping towards them. As she moved, she stepped on abandoned cars and some people who couldn't move out of the way in time.

Sarah: Ew! People are so grossed when they've been squashed.

Martha could hear the giantess' uncaring comment and it made her sick.

Martha: That bitch! How can she care so little about the innocent lives she's taking.

Sarah heard Martha and looked towards the small woman in annoyance.

Sarah: What did you just call me, worthless speck?!

Martha's blood ran ice cold and she sprinted as fast as she could from the giantess. Sarah wasn't about to let her get away and began running after Martha.

Sarah was halted in her pursuit as the small sting of gunfire hit her skin. Sarah turned around to see military men firing upon her with guns. Three tanks were also present, pummeling the giantess with their shells. Try as they might, the military's weapons could not hurt the giantess, only anger.

Sarah: And just who do you think you are trying to hurt me with those useless weapons of your's?! Let me show you what happens when you bother a beautiful girl!

Sarah walked towards the military forces, who held their ground in the face of imminent failure. The giantess raised her foot and crushed the tanks. Only one of the soldiers was able to avoid her giant foot, while his comrades were crushed to death. The soldier looked back at the mighty foot. He looked away as it lifted up, as he didn't want to see what remained of his fellow soldiers. He was taken by surprise when he felt something pull his leg and lift him into the air. Looking around in fear and confusion, the soldier soon found himself looking down at the beautiful face of Sarah Titan.

Sarah: Your companions died by giantess CRUSH. Most others of my kind would just finish you off the same, but I'm not like most of my kind, I like to make things interesting. As such, your death will come by giantess VORE!

Sarah opened her mouth and stuck her elegant tongue out with a playful "AAAAHHHH!" The soldier screamed in terror as he was dropped onto the extended tongue. He began sliding down the flexible muscle and deeper into her foreboding maw. The young soldier tried his best to climb back up and out, but the tongue was too wet and slippery to get any real grip.

Soldier: Please don't eat me!

Sarah pushed the soldier into her gaping throat.

Soldier: Please! I'm begging you! I don't wanna die!

Sarah paid the little man's words no attention as she tilted her head back and swallowed him with a mighty "GULP! GLUCH!!!"

A small lump traveled down Sarah's neck as the soldier was pushed down her throat, before it disappeared behind her collarbone. Just as it did, attack helicopters appeared to take the giantess down.

Sarah: Can't these guys leave me alone?! I still need to find that girl who insulted me! The hell I'm gonna let her get away with calling me a… a… a BITCH! The nerve of that woman, UGH!

The helicopter began firing upon Sarah, who blocked the bullets with her arms. She reached for a nearby building, ripping off an entire floor and throwing it at the helicopters. It managed to hit one of the choppers, which fell apart in a fiery explosion, but failed to catch the other one. Sarah lunged forward and smashed the remaining chopper into the ground.

Sarah: Now let's find that girl.

Sarah walked off to find Martha, knocking down buildings as she did so. Tons of rubble and fiery debris scattered onto the streets below as the giantess stomped across Los Angeles, leaving massive fires in her wake.

Washington, D.C.

General Stupify: Where the hell did she come from?

Kaylee: We don't know sir. Reports indicate that she came out of the waters off the coast. Aside from that, it's pretty vague.

General Stupify: Well we need a way to stop her before she can cause any more loss of life.

Kaylee: That might be a little more complicated, General.

General Stupify: What do you mean?

Kaylee: This giantess might not be the only one, we're receiving reports that another one has been spotted off the coast of Miami, and there appears to be some unnatural tectonic activity in Greece.

General Stupify: My god! Call… someone important! We're gonna need a lot more firepower.

Kaylee: I can't do that sir, I'm just a scientist.

General Stupify: I'm well aware Kay, get me someone who can make that call!

Kaylee: You ever thought it might have been foreshadowing when you were named Stupify?

General Stupify: NOW!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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