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The soft wool material cover my body before the metal cuffs comes. Two officers leads me to a car that has NYPD boldly written on it. One of them open the door for me while the other drop his hand on my neck to push my head down before giving me a slight shove inside the vehicle. I notice nothing happened to him when he touched my hair. I enter the car without fighting. I let them take me to the precinct and that's when I see him, not Kai but someone else. Someone extraordinary. I may not have my powers but I know he isn't human.

The minute the car stops in front of the building, my eyes snaps to where he's standing at the foot of the stone step, holding a styrofoam cup and laughing at what the woman in front of him is saying. He must sense me looking at him because he turns to my direction and I watch the smile fade from his face. If it was someone that recognized me I'd say he doesn't look happy to see me but I've never seen him in my life and he looks disgusted? Pissed? I'm not sure. The woman waves her hand in his face to get his attention and he looks away to her. I can tell he isn't concentrating anymore.

The door opens and I look at the officer standing. I shift and get out of the car. He leads me into the building. "What happened?" The woman talking to the man asks. It seems like they both work here but they aren't wearing uniform like the officer.

The officer handling me replies her, "was naked in the woods near the amusement park."

"Damn!" The woman mutters but her expression is amusing. "Did she sleepwalk there?"

"Don't know. She keeps going on and on about Kai Stark, Zazie and Lee. The bitch is crazy. We're going to keep her for the night. It's like she's on drugs or something." The officer says and asks, "you guys going home?"

"Yeah, I am." She answers and her eyes snaps to the man, who is looking at me. "Ray?"

"Go ahead, turns out I'm behind on schedule." He responds without taking his eyes off me. It's like he's trying to analyse me, the only person that ever looked at me like that is Kai, and I'm going out of my mind not know where he is. I don't know how long I've been gone.

"Come on." The office wraps his finger around my arm and pulls me up the stairs. We enter the building, and for night the place looks busy.

Someone whistling makes me turn my head, I see two officers trying to subdue a man in leather, we make eye contact and he winks at me before they're able to cuff him. Humans are disgusting. The officer pulls me away and shove me inside a room with a bench and bars keeping it secured. "You're staying here for the night," he says and close bar before locking it.

I don't understand what's happening. One moment I was having the best time with him and then Riga showed up. The last thing I remember is Kai's face before everything went black and then the next thing I know is waking up in a... I don't even know what that was but I knew it was strong enough to keep me for as long as I was there. My powers aren't working and I don't know what to do. My mind is settled and my thoughts are all over the place. I need to get out of here and find Kai. I need to find Kai.

I sit on the bench, not like I have any other choice. They should count their stars that I'm powerless and not mentally or physically strong enough to fight.

Sighing, I press my elbows on my thigh and drop my head down. I'm not sure I can meditate right now and since I don't have my powers I'm not sure if the door to Di Hipsodat are opened. I should call on Gar but I need to see Kai before leaving. I didn't say it back and I need to say it back. I need him to know I feel the same.

The sound of the metal door opening pulls me out of my thought, I look up to see the man who I heard that woman refer to as Ray.

"Laura." He enters the room with his hands in his pocket.

I frown at the way he said my name with so much familiarity like he knows me or something. "Have we met?"

He removes his hand from his pocket and swipes his index finger along the opening of his nose as he snuffs. "You could say that." He responds in an accent I recognize too well before moving his hand over his face and a familiar face appears. He removes his hand and the old face appears again.

"Lee!" I can't say I'm surprised because I've also knew there was something up with him. He was always so quiet and secretive.

I shoot up on my feet and walks towards him, it's nice to see a familiar face. "You were hiding in plain sight. What are you?" I ask, going straight to the point. I guess Earth isn't just for humans as Kai claim. "Does he know? Does Kai know?"

"I'm an occult detective and no, Kai doesn't know about me. This is my true face, Lee was a facade. I was investigating him when I realized he never aged but then I got close to me and he was so nice to me and..." He trails off.

"And what? Why do you keep referring to Kai in the last tense?" I demand in my usual tone but he doesn't look a bit scared of me, in fact he looks like he's lost interest in the conversation.

"I don't know what you are, Laura but I know you aren't from Earth and whatever shit you were involved in before seeking sanctuary here found you and that got them kill!" He accuses in a hard tone that surprises me.

"Them, who?"

"Kai and Zazie. They died, I don't know how it happened but we went looking for you guys and found Kai dead, looking as pale as a ghost. Zazie rushed to him and touched him, guess what happened? She fucking died. And I can only thing about one person that can drain people's life force by just touching them."

I don't think I'm hearing this clearly. "Kai can't be dead, he isn't human. He isn't even an alien. He's–"

"Fucking gone! Someone came for him. A woman that looked like him, said she's his sister. She left a message for you and that's the only reason I'm here to deliver her message. She's coming for you, Laura. And she's going to end that dance you guys started on Predan."

"Kaia was here?" I try swallowing the lump stuck in my throat but it's going going away.

"He was one of the good one, Laura and he's dead because of you. I hope she kills you and I hope it's slow and painful. Never show your face around here or I'm going to do it myself." With that he turns back and walks away.

No. No, no, no, no, no. He can't be gone! He can't. He can't.

"Hmm..." My mouth drops open and my eyes closes. A cry breaks from my throat. I fall to my knees and begin to cry, tearing rolling down my cheek that I have no choice but to say the name. "Gar."

Immediately the portal appears in front of me, I bring myself up and step inside. The portal closes and releases me in the El gate. I'm back.

"El-Sah-El." I don't look to know it's Gar.

"Find him, El-Gar-El. Find Malakai Stark." I order him in my native Dihipian language tone. Gar is the gatekeeper and all-seer of everything. He knows who I'm talking about.

"The Mesdowellian Spirit is gone, Princess. I heard your cry and searched the entire Multiverse for him. He's gone." He answers with an apologetic tone. Gar can sense emotions, he undoubtedly knows what I'm thinking. "I could see everything you went through since you landed on Earth. I'm sorry I failed you."

"How long have I been gone?"

"You spent sixty thousand years on Earth before Riga found you and sent you to your doom. You spent three hundred and sixty five thousand years drowning in your weakness."

Which means Kai has been gone for a month.

"I can't feel my powers, what's up with it?"

"Your weakness drained you and your other life force is also weak. Do you need me to accompanying to the Temple?"

My other life force is Azra, no doubt he's dying without me. There's nothing the Golden Water can't do, I'll get my powers back in no time and I will everyone pay. I–

"You are under arrest traitor!" Men in the royal army uniform rushes into the temple with weapons, weapons I know will kill me because I don't have my powers.

I look at Gar to see him looking everywhere else but my face. He sold me out. He betrayed me. And I know what I have to do.



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