Chapter 2

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All of a sudden, the PC turns off, and Lewis opens his eyes. He turns his attention to Jack. "CK9C? When did you... get here?" Lewis said, in a quiet but calming voice. His grip loosened on Jack. "Lewis, it's..." Jack cleared his throat. "It's not just me who came. Charlie, Will-" Lewis interrupted him. "Jack. I asked you a question. I didn't ask for Charlie or Will. When did you get here?" Jack looked over at the others for help. "Answer his question, Jack..." Euria told. Jack nodded and looked at Lewis. "I took a plane ticket here to the UK." Lewis smiled. Jack was confused. Lewis spun around in his gaming chair, scanning the others in the room. They all seemed worried and shocked. 

"You all seem like there's something on your mind. What's wrong?" Lewis asked. His voice was now in his normal range, but still calming. "Lewis, are you okay? You were knocked out and now you just suddenly... woke up? Did you faint?" Charlie asked. "I feel like we should leave..." "Me too," Will replied in a whisper. He stood up and went over to Charlie. Charlie was starting to shake. "Come on, let's get Charlie and leave-" Lewis placed his hands on Charlie's shoulders. "I'm okay, Charlie. You don't need to worry about me." As he flashed a smile, Lewis's eyes were glitching from cool grey to purple. And Charlie noticed this immediately. Jack and the others were starting to leave. Charlie froze in place by Lewis's cold gaze. He felt as if Lewis was staring into his soul. Will grabbed Charlie by the arm.

The others quickly left before Lewis could notice. All except for Charlie and Lewis, who were now standing alone in the gaming room. "Come on Charlie, let's go!" Will told. "But he seems so-" Will pulled Charlie by his arm. Lewis waved at them as they left. Outside, Charlie shook his head and took off his glasses. "Dude, what the heck happened in there?!" Jack yelled as he shut the door. "I don't know, Jack! Something's up with Lewis, and we need to do something about it!" Charlie explained. As Charlie starts to freak out about his encounter, Marshall walks over with Rhys. Charlie put his glasses back on.

"Oh, hey Rhys!" Will called. "Hey Will! Is Charlie okay?" Rhys asked. "He's uh... freaking out," Marshall told. "Dang. Come to my house, everyone. We'll talk there." Charlie calmed down a bit. Everyone followed Rhys to his house. At his house, everyone sat on the couch. Charlie screams into a pillow. "Okay so... What happened? Is Lewis okay?" Rhys questioned. "Well he was bug testing a game, and he passed out!" Euria explained. "Did you notice anything else?" "His eyes... I think they were purple..." Charlie said. Rhys's eyes widened. "His eyes were... purple? Charlie, our eyes can't turn purple," Marshall implied. 

"Then tell me why Lewis's eyes glitched to purple!!" "Dawko's fine, Charlie. You probably just were seeing things." "But Rhys... When Lewis opened his eyes, he looked at me first!! He asked me when I got here! Oh my god, I was a nervous wreck! Grabbed my arm and tightened his grip! And then, when I um, told him, then he went over to Charlie, and put his hands on his shoulders!" Jack described.  "I feel like I'm going mad, guys... Did Lewis's eyes glitch or am I seeing things?..." Charlie took a big gulp. "Charlie, you weren't seeing things. Lewis was acting really weird," Euria pointed out.

"Yeah! What's with the guy?" DHeusta commented. "Okay, Charlie. What shade of purple were his eyes?" "I think it was... light purple? Lilac. Pastel purple. Kinda like that. With thin neon purple streaks." "Dang..." "This is crazy." "Guys... What if this has to do with FNAF: Security Breach?" DHeusta proposed. Everyone gasped. "What could make a YouTuber like him pass out like that?" "I don't know." "Something's going on here... And we need to get to the bottom of this." "We don't know where to start though." Charlie gets an idea. "I got it! Let's ask Steel Wool Studios and Scott!" Charlie exclaimed.

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