Chapter 2

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"To put it quiet frankly Tsukachi-San, I'm not giving you the long version." Said the person

"Now why is that?" Replied the tired detective

"Well I don't feel like it so I'm giving you the short version." 'Cant let him know that there is no long version and  I just said that to be cool.' They thought with a sweat drop.

"Fine get on with it." Grumbled the detective

"So you know how Eraserhead-san is always on my case?" They began


"Ok so people were getting threatened and there was a grocery store getting robbed-"

"What does that have to do with Eraserhead-?" Tsukachi questioned. In his defense, they can't stay on track. He has to remind them what they were telling him before they trailed off.

"Let me finish-" they interrupted

"Ok-" replied the detective

" I was there and no one was going to help. So I decided to intervene. I DIDN'T START ANYTHING THOUGH! I ONLY REACTED IN SELF DEFENSE!"

" I know, you never start anything." Replied the detective in an exasperated tone

"Yah? I feel flattered that you know I would never go against the law. Anyways as I said, OF COURSE I had to help. If I didn't everyone would be dead meat ya know." They stated in a matter of fact type of way.

"So I helped, WITHOUT USING MY QUIRK! And they were down. But one them escaped so I went after him." They exclaimed in an excited way.

"Let me guess Eraserhead was either after you or the villain, right?" Said the detective.

"Ya! But I don't know who he was after if I'm being honest- ANYWHO I went after him- as one would- but he disappeared! Can u believe it?!" They trailed off

'Wait what was I talking about again? Oh yeah! The weird robber-' they cut their on thoughts off.

"Back on track, he disappeared and I was scared! It took me a minute to zone back into reality, but when I did, I searched the area and couldn't find him. Then when I least expect it I see him running towards me! As one person would be in this scenario, I was confused and scared to say the least,

So I ran away."

"You? Ran away? I don't believe it."

"I'm telling you the truth! And you're basically a lie detector, does it look like I'm lying?" They replied annoyed that the detective didn't believe them. And started to play with their fingers out of annoyance.

"Oh no i do believe you but it is quite shocking that YOU ran away that's all." The detective stated as it WAS quite shocking.

"Oh ok. So I ran away and I turned the corner annnnnnd there was Eraserhead-San right in front of me." They continued as they tried and failed at making hand gestures to better explain the situation.

Tsukachi couldn't help but chuckle at their attempt at explaining the situation.

"Hey! What are you laughing at!" They snapped averting their gaze as to not make eye contact and completely lose the 'I'm cool and so much better than you' façade.

Somewhere far away ( eh not really )

"So Aizawa-San why where you late?"

"Just ran into some trouble is all"

"When you say 'some trouble' are you perhaps taking about ### #### ?"

"And what if I was?"

"Don't get all defensive now, I'm just intrigued is all" they chuckled

"You're planning something aren't you?"

"And what if I was?" They quoted Aizawa

"What are you planning?"

"Oh, nothing serious."

"I doubt that."

"Well if I tell you it'll ruin the fun."

This is has not been read through (idk what the actual wording is 🤷🏻‍♀️) there will probably be some mistakes.
Hey so Um school starts tomorrow so uh yeah I'm going to have trouble updating this- and this has been in my drafts for a while as I tried (and failed) to complete it 😀 ANYWAYS this is honestly horrible but uh yeah.

Me 🤝 not sleeping.
I made this at 4-5 am somewhere between there


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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