The Flicker Of a Journey: Chapter 2

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Though the walk was mostly quiet, a part of you didn't mind. As the the sun slowly fell from the sky daylight had died and the night became alive, far from the meadows where your journey had began now you trek through uneven forest ground. Gentle sounds of melodic crickets and the dancing of fireflies that gathered and danced a type of waltz around one another were few indicators of dusk which you saw nearly as clear as day. 

Giyuu stopped and turned to offer you his hand to help you over a log, "Careful and watch your footing." Even his distant expression was one you saw clearly, your eyes creased softly as you took his hand and used it to help you over the log, "Thank you. I will." You spoke carefully placing your feet onto the ground thin twigs snapped under your feet. Unlike your warm hands, his were cold, yet it seemed to bother him not. As expected of a demon slayer. It was subtle things like this that you honored and acknowledged. Once you had made it safely over the fallen tree you had let go of his hand, though the feeling of his calloused hands remained, the cold touch of his hand was gone as the heat returned and erased any and all chill. Even a cold spring night in the middle of the forest bothered you not, still you remained comfortable, as if basking in sunlight. 

Giyuu's POV

With the young woman's attire not suited for the terrain, the last thing he needed was to carry her back with a twisted ankle. Though she was doing well, it was best to be safe than sorry. His eyes widened slightly at the abnormal warmth of her hand, is she ill? The thought crossed his mind, forest grass still wet from previous spring showers-- did she walk a day's worth through the rain to deliver the medicine? (Y/n)'s warmth lingered on his palm, there was no doubt about it a tense expression on his features, "We'll set up camp here tonight, we've walked far enough." 

(Y/n) POV

You stopped in your tracks as he suggested to rest here. Neither of you had made it terribly far- perhaps it was some kind of protocol, was he himself injured-- or was it out of curtesy for a lady? "I can go further." You reassured, not wishing to keep him longer than you had been. "Not with a fever like that, you're burning up, we're resting." he spoke sternly as he knelt down to start a fire. You subconsciously raised the back of your hand to your cheek "I don't feel feverish.." You replied, only causing him to sigh, "Of course you wouldn't." He spoke, troubled as light ignited from the pile of debris. "You walked all that way through the rain, didn't you?" He asked clearing out an area to lay down a blanket. "Yes, wouldn't you?" You asked as you approached him and tended to the fire. "Well yes but-I can endure that weather you cant." He spoke as he patted it down. "Regardless if I can, or can't those children and elderly needed me. I wasn't about to tell them no, if it were you, endurance or not, if they needed you- would you simply tell them no?" You asked. He remained silent for a moment, "I guess not." He concluded. 

"Your body is overheating, take off what you don't need so you can give it a chance to cool some." His words caught you a tad off guard, but it is what you did for the children as well, along with cold towelettes from the stream. However it seemed your silence had been translated differently as he took off his Haori, "Here, it's not as heavy as those clothes or yours, you can use this to cover up, I'm going to ward off the area with wisteria charms." He spoke as her turned his attention away from you.

"Mn, thank you." You spoke as you took his large, mis-matched haori from him, and stripped down any extra clothes you had, down to base layer clothing, bandaging was seen now that the other layers of excess clothing had been removed, it bound your chest, giving you a more modest appearance. Wisteria, a flower from a tree that wards off demons and is even toxic to them. To you as well, just in a different way. You are not the same breed as the beasts that lurk in the night, the ones who fear the sun. You are from an entirely different tree, a lineage of your own. Once you finished you kept his haori closed in front with your hand as you approached one of the charms. It was only for the night, it's fragrance tickled your nose. You turned your face away as you sneezed, gently rubbing the tip of your nose with your finger. "Bless you. This is why you need to rest, im not going to have you sneezing all the way back, or worse." He spoke as he sat up against the tree. Though you could argue it was due to the charms he put everywhere, it was for his safety as well, no? So, you wouldn't complain. You knelt down onto the bedding he had provided and gazed into the fire. Something about it was entrancing. 

"What about you?" You asked an air of concern in your voice. "I'll be fine, i've endured worse." he replied. "That isn't to mean you must endure what isn't necessary ." You replied. He gazed down at you as you had shifted to gaze up at him, "You don't have to worry about me, just get some rest, we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." You shuffled over as he shuffled back, "Wh-what are you doing?" He asked as you offered him your hand this time, "If I am not allowed to journey further because of a fever, you aren't allowed to burden yourself to the cold either." You announced. He tsked as he took hold of your hand, "You're a stubborn woman, (Y/n), fine, now go to sleep." a soft smile still clouded by sorrow, slowly formed across your lips, "Good night, Giyuu." You spoke before closing your eyes, the halt in his breath, you could hear it clearly, though, his reaction only caused your smile to grow ever so slightly. 

Maybe it was because of the comfort of holding his hand, the company consoled your mourning of innocence lost. Perhaps it was because you envisioned yourself alone tonight, because you wouldn't be waking to ghosts of memories, but another being. As your mind drifted you shook away these thoughts, no. It was because of the wisteria charms, you concluded as your mind drifted into a dreamless slumber. 

A Lone Wolf's Lone Companion. Giyuu Tomioka x Reader!Where stories live. Discover now