⚀Bestest Friend!⚀ (LRS)

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You are sitting in your living room, watching your favorite show, you started getting hungry, so you went to the kitchen, and looked in the fridge, there isn't anything to eat, that's sad, you thought about going to the store, and buy some more food, and maybe your favorite snacks and candies!

So, you went to the store in your vehicle (bike, skateboard, scooter, Car, etc), when you arrived you saw a red van in the parking lot, it looked cool, after that you went inside the store.
You walked through aisle after aisle after aisle trying to find the stuff you need, you find all the stuff, except for one thing... SNACKS AND CANDY!!!

You run out of the Cereal/breakfast aisle and turn left, running past all the aisles, you weren't looking ahead, as you were looking at the aisles to make sure you wouldn't pass the aisle your looking for.

You run out of the Cereal/breakfast aisle and turn left, running past all the aisles, you weren't looking ahead, as you were looking at the aisles to make sure you wouldn't pass the aisle your looking for

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(You running past the aisles and looking at them.)

Sadly, since you weren't looking forward, you crashed into someone, you apologized.

Sadly, since you weren't looking forward, you crashed into someone, you apologized

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(You also dropped some stuff too, but I forgot to draw it 🙃)

You picked up the stuff you dropped, They helped you, that's when you made eye contact.

You picked up the stuff you dropped, They helped you, that's when you made eye contact

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'They're, really cute..' YOU THOUGHT

'They look Cool 😎' They thought

Then They helped you pick up the things you dropped, they went around the store with you, you chitter-chattered with them, and became great pals, they even helped you with paying for the stuff!

It was late now, you were going to get in/on your vehicle, but then, They came running out of the store, waving their hand with a piece of paper in it.


You waited for them when they got to you, they handed you the paper.

"So, uh... I just wanted you to... Uh."
"I Just, would. Uh.."
"I uh um I um can. You.."

They say out loud While handing you the paper and a pen.

You are silent for a second, then they say

"A-also, can I have your address? So then we could... Meet and, be friends. Or more... I MEAN, LIKE BEST FRIENDS!"

You are silent again, then after a couple of seconds you agree, They get all excited, and hug you, you feel this warmth you never felt before, is this, love?

You are silent again, then after a couple of seconds you agree, They get all excited, and hug you, you feel this warmth you never felt before, is this, love?

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(You getting hugged)

He lets go of you, you write down your address and number, you also write down your name, then, you hear a gasp.

"Wait, that's YOUR name? I just noticed, I STILL HAVEN'T TOLD YOU MY NAME YET!"

"My name is LRS, It stands for Little Red Shirt, My Shirt is Red, but I'm not little, and I'm not wearing a shirt, it's a sweatshirt.."

"Anyways, here's my address, come visit sometime! The Others will love you!"

You just made a new friend today
But what do they mean by
The Others?

LRS & ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now