Chapter I: He Wasn't The First

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In a world filled with predators and prey, where it seemed as if Natural Order would consume all, a great city did the unimaginable by uniting all species. It was a city that would allow for prey and predator to live side by side; a city which offered great opportunity for those who were willing to work hard and make a good living; a city where "anyone could be anything." That city was Zootopia.

Zootopia was a modern city whose residents had already evolved from their primitive, savage ways. The city was divided into roughly 5 districts: City Central, Rainforest District, Sahara Square, Savannah Central and Tundratown. Each of these districts was designed to accommodate animals of all species and of all different types of environments. Zootopia truly was for a proof to the ideology that all animals are of equal worth, regardless of their species. Of course, this ideology would be challenged more than once, especially considering that the fear of predators would never fully disappear for prey animals, but there were always those who stood above the rest and championed what the city stood for. These heroes never seemed far off, but there were times and places in Zootopia where its own civilians were its greatest enemies, acting like true hypocrites.

It was because of this hypocrisy, the foolish and cruel acts of other mammals (which is to be expected in a broken world such as this) that there were some within Zootopia which saw the city not as a place of opportunity, but rather as a place where prey could step on and trample over them without batting an eye, having no restraint preventing them from doing so. Particularly, there were several types of predators which became forced to find what little work was available to them, often resorting to illegal, unruly methods to get by with what they could. Probably the most prime example of this type of predator could be summarized in two words: the fox.

Yes, it was the fox that tended to suffer the most from discrimination by other prey animals. Foxes had a reputation for being shifty, sneaky, sly, and untrustworthy, and this did not help when foxes tried to have friendly interactions with other prey animals. Some foxes managed to deal with the difficult standards placed upon them by the dominating prey animals, shaking off any insults thrown at them and looking for whatever honest work was available to them. Most however, were not so lucky. Many resorted to hustling and other illegal acts to scrape by with what they could. Of all the figures given focus within this story, this fox would stick out from the rest of the lot. This fox would attempt to cause great change within the city, for reasons yet to be revealed. This fox could easily have become a significant figure to the city, if only he had been allowed to make use of his gifted, intellectual mind.

Okay, you're now probably thinking to yourself out loud (besides Oh my word, the narrator is actually talking to me?), "Let me guess, this fox was a pawpsicle hustler who had a unique relationship with a crime boss, was eventually caught by a rabbit cop and blackmailed into helping her solve a very big case within Zootopia, and is now working beside her as her partner, right?" It seems almost obvious that he would be the fox I am referring to, doesn't it?

Good try, but unfortunately that is not the fateful fox described here. Particularly, there is one fact about that great fox which is quite inaccurate: that he had a unique relationship with a crime boss. The thing is, the relationship was by all technicalities unique, but "unique" is a word with many different connotations. An implication with the word "unique" is that this type of relationship was the first of its kind that the crime boss ever experienced with a figure such as the fox mentioned previously. On the contrary, the pawpsicle hustler fox came later, or to make a long story short: he wasn't the first.

So which fox am I referring to? Which fox could possibly be more important to talk about in comparison to the former pawpsicle hustler? Well, the fox in question shall make his presence known at last, for it is time for his story to be told.

Zootopia: A Tale of Two FoxesWhere stories live. Discover now