Chapter X: Tracking The Signals

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Judy and Nick had both arrived a little early at the ZPD, seeking to find what they could on "Sinon." They both assumed that he was Zootopian, considering that he had known Mr. Big as a young fox, and thus they looked up his name in the public records. Luckily for them, Sinon was not a very common name in the city of Zootopia, and when they did their search, they found only one match. Relieved that they would only have to look through one file to find what info they needed, the two officers read the file. Their relief quickly dropped as they saw what little there was to be learned about him.

The fox's full name was Sinon Vulpes (in this case, neither them nor the narrator were worried too much about middle names), and some of his family's story was also recorded on his file, which Judy and Nick read through together. Unfortunately for them, what was known about his family was very little indeed. The two officers read that the Vulpes family was a lower to middle-class family of red foxes who lived in Tundratown, their father a fishermammal in the region and their mother working mostly at home. He had two sisters, theirs names Jessica and Violet, and their faces were also pictured on his file. The strangest aspect of the file was how far it stretched in his life. The file ended with the description of a scene with a vehicle on the side of the road, its doors opened and a dead vixen (most likely Mrs. Vulpes) on the ground beside it. As far as the file went, the location of the children was unknown, and there were no further attempts to find the young foxes around the area. After this description of the scene, the file was completely blank, stopping abruptly as if that was all there was to know about the Vulpes family.

"That's it?" Judy thought to herself out loud, and from the look that Nicholas gave her, she could tell that he was thinking the same thing. Well, this would be a little harder than I expected. Judy thought to herself. She hadn't expected that the answer to everything would be in that one file, but she had hoped that there would at least be other links that she and Nick could look into, other leads that they could follow. The two of them feeling a little disappointed, Judy and Nick could only hope that some other light would be shed on their situation. From what they had found on Sinon's file, the Vulpes family did not seem to have any other connections that they could look into.


Judy and Nick's ears pricked up as they heard those shouts from down the hall. Curiosity pulsing through them, both of them made their way toward the source of the sound. The source seemed to be in the interrogation room, and it seemed as if the door had been left slightly open, allowing the sound to travel a little farther than just sticking in the main room of interrogation. With Nicholas putting her on his shoulders so that she could take a good look into the room and figure out what was going on, Judy got a glimpse of the situation in the room. Chief Bogo was standing in front of the polar bears, his arms crossed as the interrogation was being carried out. Both Raymond's and Kevin's eyes were wild with fear, and Judy could tell that it was Raymond whom had blurted out the information. On top of the table, Judy could also see Mr. Savage standing in front of the polar bears, his gun pointed right at Kevin's chin. From there, Judy heard more bellowing from Raymond, a bellowing which nearly caused her to fall from the window:


Judy could tell that Raymond's eyes were filled with fear for his fellow comrade, and she began to understand why he had finally cracked. She had to admit, it certainly seemed that Jack's methods of interrogation had been working effectively. Judy knew that Bogo would never resort to grabbing one of the suspects by the mouth, not unless that had been suggested by a figure such as Mr. Savage. Feeling Nicholas quickly put her down; she turned to face her partner. Nick's eyes were wild with fear as he spoke, "At this rate, they will know exactly where to search for Mr. Big! If we don't warn him fast, then he will be behind bars!" Judy agreed, and while they were at it, she suggested to Nicholas, "Why don't we leave right now? Bogo hasn't given us any tasks yet, so we have time." Nicholas could not agree more, and without another word, both officers hurriedly made their way out the door, not even bothering to check if anyone had noticed them. Pulling out his phone to call Mr. Manchas, Nicholas opened the driver door of Judy's car for Judy while he got into the passenger seat, buckling in as fast as animally possible (Hey, I can't say humanly, can I? Just roll with it). Without another word, the two officers took off, eager to warn Mr. Big of the pending danger.

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