Chapter 1: A Nightly activity

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There's not much you can do when your best friend hooked up with your boyfriend. even fighting her won't do... so the option you have left as a 19 year old is to drown your sorrows.

whiskey it all away with piles of empty vodka shots and martini scattered.

Vanessa was a beauty with money to her name. With her parents divorced and both rivaling in the industry. It's complicated how their relationship even bloomed her but they had 'something' going on during their rival times

She grunted hitting her fist  against the bar bench.  The bartender on the side made his way to her, hands clasp in nervousness. 

"Miss, i think you should stop drinking...." The newly hired spoke gently, but he was only met with a wave of hand and a card ready to pay the next round of drinks. The poor servant sighed proceeding the payment when suddenly a suited figure emerged from the elevator on the side.

"boss..." the bartender bowed, lowering his head as the leafy eyes stared at the newly hired. The defined jaw moved as ethereal lips asked,

"i thought this was the VIP room...why is it not evacuated for my arrival?" a hollow voice halted everyone but the drunkard lady on the side.

The other VIP staff had come out to greet their boss as the big man asked.

They then look at the slumped madam on the side. downing another bottle of refine wine.

Vanessa suddenly felt all eyes on her, she glanced back to see vested suit bartenders about and a maroon suited man.

"you come to drink? pretty boy?" she asked, head hanging sideways as eyes gleamed blurry at the suit. she couldn't tell what expression had befell the man but the employees on the side shook fearfully. Fully aware of blood lust that wanted to kill the lady for her statement.

"i am by no means a 'boy'..." the, much younger than he looks, boss walked forward. trying to glare his displeasure at the ignorant woman..

"yeah yeah, say what you want. virgin face " she shrugged out. staring hard at the mature face of a teenager.

"virgin face...?" the man let out a chuckle that sounded strained, "what makes you think that?" he asked. stopping Vanessa from downing another whiskey.

"you face screams 'inexperience', like a nerd..." she giggle to herself before standing.

she felt that she needed to leave now because she remembered school was tomorrow. her body remained unmoved when an unexpectedly large palm wrapped itself around her wrist.

she raised a brow at the vein that emerged from the back of the hand.

"what are you implying about 'inexperience'?" he asked, already well aware of the answer from her drunken gaze that landed on his crouch, mid way her statement, in disappointment.

"of course i mean sex... or are you really as Innocent as a boy." her gaze wavered threateningly at her wrist when he squeezed a little too hard. but she didn't even flinched.

noticing her emotionless reaction to his hold, he let go before rising. his head many centimetres higher than her gaze.

she looked up, suddenly frowning at the height difference. she wished she wore heels to the bar now.

she roughly rose her hand that was once held and gripped the broad shoulders of the suit.

nailing her hand and pushing the man back into his seat.

"sit." she bellowed.

"i don't like being looked down on." The threatening look on her make up less face stunned him.

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