Chapter 2: Gone before dawn

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Completely drained of everything and anything, was what she was at this moment.

Her body fit cradled in his arms. The hold tightened around the slumbering queen. He observed at her loose lips. Her love spotted skin intertwined with her natural beauty spots. It granted an art made by the gods, and her low breaths against his chest was like a whisper of melodic tunes sung by sirens.

This night had not been like any other. It was so brilliant he was sure his flame from youth was lit once more in desire. He thought no one would spark his flames like his first love. temptation emerge  more when her face pushed close, clutching her lips onto his chest with a slight nibble.

He smirked seeing her drool trail sideways down his chest but soon let a scowl when his little brother heated. In full control he regained his neutral state of calm.

He drained the thought of going another round, it could really send the woman to heaven with any further actions and he was sure he'll go to hell for the crime. He just let her body match against his skin before kissing at her shoulder.

Her personal items were brought by a staff. And he dismissed the part timer back down after receiving it.

In all his 26 years of life, he thought he had lost his touch after his last time with a women.
He had once hated his far too youthful face for attracting older women but now that he's had a Rom-con with someone his age... he might go for younger ladies.

But he knew they probably wouldn't compare to this women.

He glanced at her ID.
Not sure whether the age said 19 or it was a year date 2019. The room was too dark to see but dim enough for him to watch her face. Slowly littering in tears as her heartbreak sought itself into a nightmare.

She called out 2 names.
Karin and Mark. Before whispering over and over 'why?'

The boss leaned over her. Pressing his lips onto her forehead in comfort once more.

Radiating heat into her ivory skin as he whispered " I'm here now. Don't think about them." And with that, Vanessa opened her eyes. Entranced in a dream like state. her face dripping into his palm. that caressed her.
"What's your name...boy?" Her remarks left him speechless, as he raised his brow to reprimand but gave up. there was no point lecturing a half drunk woman.

"Richard... Richard Dales..." he replied, holding her gaze that swept to slumber again.

"Well...thanks Richie." She mumbled. And he grinned, seeing her defenseless posture and exposed lips. Now he laid beside her, face close to her, drifting his own conscious elsewhere.
He didn't realize the body in his arms shooting up while his eyelids closed into darkness.

The brunette scramble to her phone checking it. 5:30

The time hinting her memory in reminder of her dorm campus curfew.

"shit." She hissed, flinging the blanket on her side onto the knocked out body still on the bed. The male let out a low grunt as he remained asleep.

She looked at his face, light freckles illuminated clear in her view. She tilted her head watching the pore-less face begin to bury itself in his pillow.

She grinned to herself for scoring big, but too bad it was the last time... with this one she guessed.

She searched for her dress but it was dripping brutal on the side. No way was she wearing that again. Her hazel eyes suddenly hooked on a pajama set in a mid open closet.

She rushed to it. Pulling it roughly on her hickey body before snatching her belongings.

She heard the bed shift and cautiously looked at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2022 ⏰

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