ch. 6

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"Toji wait." "Darling...I'll be back." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. He he stroked his thumb across it, giving me a light smile. "Be safe while I'm gone, okay?" I shook my head, my heart racing like crazy. He walked out, me locking the door behind him. "Shit...SHIT." I silently yelled. I paced back and forth. I needed to tell Gojo what would happen, and to probably run for it. I picked up my phone, pressing the call button for Gojos contact. "Pick up.." I said biting my nail. "Hey (y/n), what's up?" "Run for it. He has a gun." "Toxic boyfriend coming after me? Not surprised. I won't hurt your little lover, trust me." The phone hung up, me sitting on the bed. "It's not okay to fight over me." I said to myself.

What a night..

I picked up my phone, calling Toji to put a stop to it. "Yes my love?" "Toji, come back home.." I begged him. "Why is that? You don't want me to hurt your little friend do you?" I sighed in defeat. "It's not okay to fight over me, just please." There was a long pause between us. "I'll be home to take care of you soon." What exactly did he mean by that? I have no clue. I hung up with a sigh of relief, but also fear. who knows what he would do. I know one thing, the tone in his voice made me weak.

Yes, I wanted him.

I didn't want it to happen around this time, so I decided to take a shower and lay down, maybe get some shut eye before he came back home. I didn't want to wear anything spicy, so i just put on my normal night clothes on and got in bed.

Moments later of me dosing off, I felt something heavy on me. I turn to see him, giving me kisses on my neck and hugging my waist. "Good, I woke you up." Toji said. I sat up looking up at him, rubbing my eyes. I look foward to see nobody other than him.


"What is this?" I asked him. He had tied him up to a chair, his blindfold around his mouth. He pulled out a gun, walking to him. "Toji, what are you doing.." I said getting worried. I got up, walking towards him, only for him to grab my neck, not too rough, not too light. "Why don't you sit here and tell me what happened the night you were gone..." he said leaning closer to my ear. "I won't hurt him, and I'll reward you for it, yeah love?" he said. I gulped, shaking my head and looking at Gojo. I sat back down, looking at Toji. "Go on, I'm waiting." he said.

"Well, after we had the argument, I went down the bar. I didn't have no where else to go, so I called Gojo and asked him to pick me up." I took a long pause getting my thoughts together. "He came and got me, and took me to his place. He let me shower there, so I could freshen up." I looked at Gojo, giving him an Im sorry look. "After I got out the shower he...pinned me to his bed.." "Then what.." he said in a hurt tone. "He told me he missed me and...the conversation turned into a kiss." I said, being hurt by my own words.

By my own choices.

I could see in his eyes that he was hurt. "Go downstairs." he said quietly. I walk downstairs, only to hear him yelling. The words "Why did you do this?" or "You're such an idiot for touching her." were being heard. Glass was broken, just like the night Geto came back.

Moments later, Toji came down looking into my teary eyes. "I'm...sorry." I said quietly. I started to shed tears, hoping things will become right again.

I really did love this man.

He walked up to me, hugging me tightly. "He won't be coming back again, I promise you that." he told me. I gripped onto his shirt, wondering how to fix things. "I'll make it up to you, I swear!" "No darling, get some rest. I'll be up in a second, okay?" he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I walk upstairs, Gojo not being there. He left that quick? I thought. I felt hands around me from behind. I got really scared. "I'm gonna come back for you, got that?" Gojo said. "No, you can't come back here anymore. I'm sorry..." I said. As much as I wanted to see my bestfriend, I couldn't. He sighed, letting go of me and leaving out the window.

I really am foolish.

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