Little Mishap

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• I do not own the characters I only own the plot.

• Do not steal or repost.

• This is purely fanfiction. Just a fruit of my fantasy.

Now without further ado. Here is the chapter 2 that no one asked for:


Chapter 2

A few days have passed since that fateful day of meeting the infamous dark magic user, Yami Sukehiro. An encounter that bothers Charlotte greatly. She felt so ashamed for running away while they were dancing. But she can't help it considering how close they were. She couldn't last a second in his arms.

"How can a man like that stole my heart so shamelessly? How brazen, h-how dare he?!" her thoughts drives her crazy. Charlotte blames herself for being not strong enough to break the curse herself and moreover on the fact that this man effortlessly broke the curse and stole her heart just like that.

Charlotte Roselei was training at the training hall of the Blue Rose's Quarters. She may look calm and collected on the outside but her mind has turned into a chaotic mess as she quietly contemplates about her little mishaps with Yami Sukehiro.

"To fall in love for a commoner, and a foreigner, no less! For shame, Charlotte!" she imagined what her parents would say if she ever admitted and told them who broke the curse. They can never accept such failure. Surely no doubt her parents would consider this as a disgrace. Charlotte sighed. Her mind started drifting off to Yami's muscular arms that had caught her bodice to stop her fall after her briars disappeared. 'What am I thinking? This is no time to think about him.' she scolded herself.

She lashes her prickly whip at her targets. Quickly and swiftly, she eliminated the targets wrapping her briars around it and piercing them with her thorns. Charlotte is currently training at the Blue Rose's training hall. It's practically empty because not a lot of Magic Knights train at this hour. Everyone's supposed to be asleep but since she had her head in turmoil thinking about a particular dark magic user, she decided to train instead. Hoping to get rid of Yami Sukehiro from her thoughts. She used to train alone before her curse was broken. She had this strongwill driving her to train harder than anyone else, to overcome her curse on her own but this is a different case. One might say she's desperate to forget about this infuriating and boorish man. His deadpanned tone and stupid blank expression exasperates her a lot. He's clearly not her type, so why? Charlotte never imagined that she would fall for someone like Yami Sukehiro. He is everything she hates about men. From his clothes, to his don't-give-a-damn-about-anything atittude irritates her to the core.

"For goodness sake. What's the matter with me? Foolish feelings," she muttered to herself. She finished her training after a couple more rounds although she's still not particularly satisfied nor pleased with the outcome. It seems like Yami had invaded her mind and heart leaving her with no escape. Exhausted and unhappy Charlotte left the training hall and went to have a quick hot bath on the women's bathing room. After dressing up into her nightgown she collapsed into her bed. She drifted off to sleep as soon as she closed her eyes. Fortunately exhausting herself is effective for her to sleep immediately.


"Curses," Charlotte murmured under her breath as she woke up with a pounding heart.
Someone with dark deep orbs with a black unruly and unkept hair had visited her in her dreams again much to the maiden's dismay, which she was expecting not to happen. Although she can't admit the fact that deep down inside her heart, she was actually anticipating for this to happen. The thought of not seeing him again drives her crazy. She can't explain the feeling but it's been bothering her ever since that day he stole her heart unexpectedly. He might've been busy with his mission and training. Not to mention that their captain, Julius-sama, is most likely to be the next King Wizard.

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