Trying school

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Ok guys I know I said I would update and not leave you hanging but I am making them 2 years older

Joanna's p.o.v.

I woke up next to Alexa she stayed the night at my house. we sleep at each others house a lot then I started to shake her and said

"Come on Alexa time to wake up we get to play all day-"

I was about to finish my sentence when momma came in and interjected and said

"Actually y'all are going to try school today Carlisle is going to be y'all's teacher"

At the word school Alexa woke up then we said at the same time

"Why do we have to we know every thing"

My mom laughed and said

"Y'all are like twins you know that"

We nodded and said at the same time

"We don't know why we talk at the same time it just happens"

She laughed and said

"Lets get y'all dressed Alice got y'all matching out fits"

We sighed and said

"Of course she did its Alice how did we not guess"

After we got dressed we ate breakfast and started walking to the main house after we got there mom was already there then we said

"Hey we left before you"

She nodded and said

"Yeah yeah now come on time to get y'all to school"

Then we grumbled

"Still don't know why"

She sighed and brought us up to a room that looked like a class room and grandpa was in there we set down at desks and he handed us a math sheet the first problem was

+ 1

I sighed and looked at Alexa and we both nodded then we leans back crossed are arms and glared at the paper. grandpa came over to us and asked

"Are y'all done"

Then he looked at the paper and said

"Y'all didn't answer any of the problems"

We nodded and said

"We decided if we were going to get two year old work we would just sit here isn't that what two year olds do anyway"

He smiled and picked up are papers and came back with another sheet the first problem on this one was


We answered it and sighed then we said

"Soooo great 1st grade work sooooo fun right"

Then we stood up and went up to grandpa and i said

"How about this we go and see how many kills we can get on black ops and play with uncle j and uncle em"

He sighed and said

"Girls y'all need school"

I sighed and said

"Yeah right remember the vision aunt Ali and hunter had the kids there are mean so we aren't going to make friends we will be better educated than the teacher and so my conclusion is school is stupid give me one good reason please"

He smiled and said

"Y'all need school to get a job"

I smiled right back and said

"None of anyone else have jobs but you and daddy"

He sighed then smiled and said

"Yeah but they go to school so there"

Me and Alexa laughed and said

"What's sad is that your like 100 and you just brought your self down to a kid level by arguing with us so love you grandpa but got to go kill some peeps on Blake ops so peace bro"

Then we kissed his cheeks and walked out we got out the door and hi fived then we ran straight into are mommas legs they looked down at us and scowled and said

"That was rude girls y'all need to learn to be nicer but that was well played"

We smiled and said

"We're twins and so is are moms so cool"

We hi fived and started to run to the game room when we ran into are dads we sighed and said

"Awe not y'all too I thought we were cool we were coming to play black ops with y'all"

They sighed and said

"Fine come on let's go to the game room and play but if we win y'all have to go back to school and Alice gets to dress y'all up for a month and y'all have to go shopping with her for a month"

Then we said

"And if we win we don't go back to and aunt Ali gets to dress y'all up for a month and y'all have to go shopping with her for 2 months"

We shook hands and went into the game room we beat them 3 times in a row then we said

"Haha looks like we aren't going back to school an y'all are going shopping with aunt Ali for 2 months and she gets to dress you up for a month this is going to be funny"

Then we walked out and smells Mac and chess we looked and each other and screamed


We ran down stairs and grandma was cooking lunch we ran to her and hugged her legs she looked down and smiled and picked us up and said

"Y'all are getting so big and I heard y'all's bet y'all are smart but what y'all said to grandpa that was not so nice I think y'all should go say sorry then wash your hands then come back down for lunch"

We nodded then asked

"Where is grandpa"

She smiled and said

"In his office doing paper work"

We nodded then she put us down and we ran to grandpas office and knocked on the door then he said

"Come in"

We opened then we said

"We're sorry grandpa we didn't mean to be rude we're sorry we just don't get the reason we have to go to school and were sorry if we hurt your feelings were really really sorry"

He smiled and said

"Apology excepted now are y'all going back to school"

We giggled and said

"No sir we made a bet with are dads they lost so we don't have to go back to school and they have to go shopping with aunt Ali for 2 months and she gets to dress them up for a month"

Then he laughed we kissed his cheek and left the room and washed are hands and ran down stairs and eat then we took a nap

Hey guys I know short I know short but going somewhere this weekend so sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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