A desion

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(hey guys forgot to mention hunter could have any power he wants)

Hunters p.o.v.

Once i new Joanna was asleep. I went down stairs to call a family meeting. But everybody was already down there Alice must have saw me calling one. Then I said

"We need to talk about Joanna if we keep her we have a chance of the voltouri coming after her and us."

We were all surprise when Renessmee was the one to speak she said

"Who gives a crap about them. they can go screw them fucking selves. And mom sorry excuse my language but they are getting on my last nerves."

we were all to shocked to say anything. Then I heard something in somebody's mind it must have been Joanna she thought

'Who is that who is talking and what are they talking about. am I imagining things I don't know what ever. hey wait hunter can you hear me and if you can rub my arm.'

I rubbed her arm with my thumb and she stirred then thought

'Well now that I know you can hear me good night I love you'

I just whispered

"Awe thank you you can go back to sleep now we will tell you in the morning"

everybody was starring at me and Joanna I just said

"I was answering her thought don't look at me like I am crazy"

they all just laughed but then we went back to the meeting and I said

"Ok back to the meeting or we have a chance of us losing control or we have a chance of her going to a bad home and being picked on and other stuff I just don't want to let her go to but if we don't we are taking a risk ugh I am so confused."

Just after I said that I was sucked into a vision it was so sad I might as well been hit by a truck.

'it was of Joanna with a different family and they abused her and then sent her to school even know she was under age but they sent her anyways.but kids sexually abused her then it was like that for 4 years then she started cutting her self and then a week after she started cutting she hung her self.'

After me,Alice and Edward came out of the vision we set and dry sobbed quietly. Everybody was worried and asked us what was the vision. Once we told them what it was about everybody was dry sobbing. Esme was crying the hardest and her thoughts made me and Edward want to cry she was thinking

'Why why would somebody do that to a 1 year old she killed herself at 4 cause of them damn people so help me I would love to go kill them now. no Esme you can not think like that. Even if you want to does not mean you do it. But still that is sad I don't care what the others say we are keeping her and I will rip off Aro's head if he wanted to try to take her. That is still so sad why why little Joanna why a sweet little innocent girl. Just because she could talk did not mean people could do that to her'

In two seconds we had Esme in a hug. I said

"So it is settled we are keeping her. It is alright now Esme she will be safe. And you are right if Aro has anything to say I will kill him cause so help me we can take them down very fast."

Alice and rose squealed they were so excited to have somebody to dress up, then I heard in someone's thoughts they were Joanna's she must have woken up when the girls squealed her thoughts were hilarious and sad

'Oh no no no no nnooooo Alice and Rose just squealed that means they are going to try to play dress up in the morning. Oh no hunter and Edward please please please please help me I am going to die if I change to much literally my body is to fragile to bend that much I will break please don't let them please don't let them. I will ball and scream if they try to change me in more than one outfit a day and it will not look pretty either.'

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