Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

     Where are they? Hailey asked herself as she pushed through the crowd in the airport.

  Did everyone decide to go from New York to Louisiana today? Jesus Christ! She complained silently.

    Hailey waited - nearly an hour past causing her to sigh,this was a cruel joke,even for a low-life - with her luggage in her hand standing there.

    Suddenly, a tall man with dark brown hair and a strong chin tap her shoulder. "Are you Hailey?" His rough voice asked.

She nodded,looking up to meet his maple color eyes.

      "Thank goodness. Sorry about being late. Macey and I got lost. I am Jacob Nicholas." The brunnet man said waving a short woman with curly black hair over.

       Macey hugged Bailey when she walked over. "Your such a pretty girl. The guys here are gunna be dyin' to wisp your heart away. I can't wait to introduce you to Archer!" Macey rambled causing Hailey to laugh,even though she felt a little home sick.

"Mace, the poor girl looks scared to death. Calm down,sweetheart." Jacob told his wife.

"Who is Archer?" Hailey finally asked.
Macey's mouth opened but Jacob beat her to it. "He is our son." Hailey liked Jacob; he was very straightforward.

          Hailey stared out the window looking at the grassy scenery silently. Jacob and Macey were discussing some financial things about their ranch. Ranch? Hailey thought. Like a moo here and a moo there,and an oink oink here?

    She just shook away her silly thoughts and focused on something else. Marcus. Boy,how she missed him already. His curl red locks and serious blue eyes. Hailey missed the sound of his voice. Slowly, she fell asleep with the memory of when he confessed in her head.

Hailey was studying for a quiz in her room. It was just Marcus and her, since the two younger ones had clubs and Ms.Littleman had work.

   Marcus never really bothered her; he just stayed in his room or was at basketball practice. He is very handsome though, Hailey giggled to herself. She heard her door squeak open causing her head to snap up.

"Hailey?" Marcus whispered. She looked up at him. "Yes,Marcus?"

  He looked down like he a little boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "I tried making some Mac and Cheese.....I burnt me please."

     Hailey kind of choked on her laugh causing Marcus to throw a shoe at her. Thankfully, he missed her completely. "I'm coming! Geez!" She chuckled.

     Hailey walked into the kitchen,biting her lip when she seen the black Mac n Cheese in the pot to hold back her laughter. "Throw this out." She commanded handing him the pot.

"The pot too?" He asked, holding the pot confused.

Hailey shook her head. "Just the Mac n Cheese."

     A few moments later, Marcus came back with the pot putting it in the sink. Hailey had the macaroni noddles boiling as she got a strainer out. She dumped the pale noodles into the strainer to get out the access water.

"Your suppose to drain the water?!" Marcus demanded, bewildered.

"You didn't know that," Hailey asked. "New York boys,I swear."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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