The Blood Call Chapter 3

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Bee: Hey guys, we're back

Sideswipe: Oh hey, guys. So, are the stones real?

Arcee: Yep, definitely real

Cyberwing: So, did anything unusual happen?

Bee: Well, yeah. Have you read about, well I don't know. When you touch it, it glows then you we're pushed to the ground by this shockwave?

Cyberwing: Shockwave? Hmm... *checks in the book* We're still trying to find some other research about these stones but it looks like it doesn't say in the book either

Steeljaw: *gets a little dizzy*

Grim: Hey, Steeljaw. Are you ok? *whispers to him*

Steeljaw: I am fine... just a little dizzy.

Bee: *sees something at the window* Huh?

???: *stares at him then leaves*
Bee: Did you guys see that?
Strongarm: See what?

Bee: I just... saw something out of the window

Flames: I don't see anything

Bee: I... thought I saw it... never mind, it's getting late. Let's just continue tomorrow

Others: (agrees)

At the room of Bee

Bee: *yawns then gets to bed*

Sometime later at midnight

???: *opens the window then looks at Bee*

It was looking at Bee for a while then leaves

Bee: *in his dream* Huh? Hello...? What is this place...? *sees someone* Hello?

???: *silent*

Bee:... *goes closer to them* Who are you?

When he gets closer, he started to see them clearly. But when he got more close, there we're dripping of liquid, he didn't really look at the liquid water. He was trying to get closer to them, but then he realize the liquid water was actually blood

Bee: !!! Is that... blood?! Hey, are you ok?!

Bee was trying to get their attention but after a while, they disappear, then the blood was slowly rising


Bee tried to run and find a way out, but then the whole place was squishing into a room

Bee: Somebody! Help! ANYBODY!

The blood was filling the room, with Bee in it


The blood was almost filling to the top

Bee: SOMEONE, HELP! *drowns* *wakes up* AHHH! *heavily breathes* W-what...? *looks around his bedroom then sighs* Phew... it's just a nightmare... hmm... what if... the stones give me that vision... *sighs* I just have to tell the others about this tomorrow *tries to go to sleep*

Bee tried to go back to sleep, but then there's this picture of Bee and the others. It looked normal for a while, but then there was a drop of blood on Bee's face (on the picture)

While with someone else

???: *goes to someone*

??? 2: So, have you done it?

???: *nods*

??? 2: Good

???: *makes cute animal noises*

??? 2: Of course, it will be fine. I know they can help us, help them.

???: *cute animal noises*

??? 2: We don't have any choice Heal, we have to watch and guide them. Not help them, it's their mission.

Heal: *silent*

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