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He said before he placed his baton back to his pockets.

A dick's bait? What's that? I don't really understand what he's saying. But i know for sure that if i do anything wrong in his eyes. He can kill me.

"Tell me about your life" He said and leaned his back on his table, arms crossed, face being serious as usual.

"Don't be surprised Sir." I gripped on my clothes and took a deep breath before i spoke.

"My mom works as a prostitute and got pregnant by one of her clients. I grew up in a crappy apartment with different guys every night."I said, i honestly don't care if he'll laugh at me but his response is more shocking.

"That's pretty bad. Go on, I'm listening" He gave me a small smile.

The first man to ever listen to me.

"But she managed to provide my needs. Then at 15 i started to look for a job to help her, i got hired to wash dishes. At 19 i got hired as a singer in one of the bars here in Roponggi but that didn't work, i got harassed multiple times and at 20 i started to work as a personal maid then that's how it all started" He nods and i flattened my lips.

He seems to be a good person. Plus he's handsome and rich. I wonder what he does for a living.

"That's very interesting, i'm proud of you"

He thought that she followed her mother's footsteps but was surprised that she didn't.

"Thank you Sir."

"Life must've been hard for you right? Where do you live right now?" He asks.

"At a better apartment away from my mother. But i still visit her sometimes, i give her money, i even told her to just go to rehab because she'll die if she'll just do drugs for the rest of her life" I respond with a sigh.

"Hmm..Ever had a boyfriend? A husband?" I lowered my head and shook my head.

"I don't have a time for that. I'm 26 and still single" I said in a low tone.

"An independent woman i see..Then i'll be glad to see you next week. This offer will help you a lot. I can also increase the price"

I smiled, he wasn't that bad after all.

"Guess i'll see you next weak? I'll tell my other servants to fix the room you'll stay in, Got it? You'll be living with me from now on"

I smiled and nodded.

"Be sure to keep my words in mind." He clicked his thumb and two guards suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Give her the uniform" Both of them nodded at sync and took something out behind them and handed it to me.

"That's what you'll wear. Whenever you're in this house, okay?" I nodded while looking at the plastic.

"T-thank you Sir.." He patted my head before the guards leaded me back to the car.

*Phone rings

He clicked his tongue once he heard his phone ringing "Annoying pieces of shit" He took his phone and placed it to his ear.

"Sir. We've been contacting you but you keep dropping our calls." The lady spoke.

"Hm? Maybe because I'm not interested?. Get the other members, I have a meeting today"


"Thanks to all of you" I smiled.

"Goodluck next week Miss." I nodded and waved goodbye.

They weren't that bad after all. The whole road trip with them was fun, they finally spoke to me and told me that their proud.

Guess i judged them too early. They also told me that i'm the first one who passed this. Many girls have applied but got rejected.

"He's very picky with girls. But he brings home one every night"

"The brother is the worst, multiple girls at once. That man almost spends all his nights on strip clubs"

I wasn't surprised at the part about the girls, but he has a brother? I also found out that they are called 'The Haitani Brother's'

"They also have a friend who's hella loud and crazy, be careful with him. He speaks a lot of shit like his mouth is literal shit"

I love how they gossip about them. They literally made me laugh the whole trip. I'm now laying on my bed, scrolling through social media and seeing the people i follow living their best life. A part of me wishing that it was me in their position. Lucky them.

"But make sure to pretend that you saw nothing when you see what he's doing"

"He's a part of Japan's worst criminal organization"

Words that has been stuck on my mind. I've read the articles about them 'Bonten' They weren't lying about what they do.

No wonder he has all that money.

I suddenly remembered the uniform they gave and i decided to open it. It was obviously a maid uniform but theres another one.

"Huh?" A suit for women and a pair of sun glasses, perfect for my faceshape.

There's also a note.

These are the the clothes you'll have to wear when you're with me. One is when you're inside the mansion and one is when we're going outside.

I added sunglasses for fun:)


The Personal Maid -Ran Haitani- R18Where stories live. Discover now