Chapter 1 [non-binary pov]

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Saturday, 8/18/21
Entering the room, I took a long and intensive sweep of the lounge floor. Taking a long hard look at each of the man's faces, I went for the one that looked like he had cash to spend. He was an older gentleman wearing a reddish suit. He wore sunglasses, even though the only light came from the overhead disco lights. He sat in a booth with two other men, talking only amongst themselves. I walked down the steps elegantly but in a rush, an attempt to reach him before any of the other club workers got to him first. I approached him, and tapped his shoulder lightly. "May I help you?" He asked in a deep voice. "I was wondering if maybe I could help you." I tried to sound as seductive as possible, battering my eyelashes and adding a airy tone to my voice. He looked at his table mates, both nodding in agreement. "Sure thing, sweetheart." He said the last word with an odd tone.. almost as if it had an underlying meaning. I saw one of his table mates smirk as he said it, as if it was an inside joke. I brushed the thoughts away, and walked around the end of the booth. He sat on the very end, the booth being relatively small. I looked around the table, and noticed the lack of space. Before I could ask for some room, he patted his lap, "Here doll, it'll do just fine." He smirked at me, and I smiled back, pretending to be truly interested in him. As I got closer, I noticed he looked vaguely familiar, as if I had seen him somewhere... possibly a picture online? Around the club? Wait.. I knew him. I saw him on TV, after the mayor was murdered. "Wait.. I've seen you on TV before!" As I exclaimed it, his smile grew wider. "That's right baby, I'm chief of police." I looked at him with false admiration, hopefully stroking his ego enough to make him think that didn't terrify me. What would the chief of police be doing in a place like this? A place riddled with drugs, illegal activity, and criminals? I knew Gotham was one fucked place but not that fucked. I realized then that the two men sitting with him were also cops, detectives on the murdered mayor case, if I remember correctly. Why were they here? Were they investigating? No... why would they let me sit with them? Was I a suspect? I realized I was in my head again. I have to focus. "So, is that like... super scary and stuff? Like dead bodies?" I asked him with the most curious look I could muster. It seemed as if my plan was working, because his smile got even wider. "Yeah, but it don't bother me. I'm real tough, not a damn sissy like some of them boys." Well, he was obviously full of shit. The two other guys at the table rolled their eyes, scoffing under their breathes. "Oh, you must be really brave then!" I exclaimed, airily once again. "Yeah he's real brave alright, shoulda seen him when Batman showed up. Almost shit his damn pants!" I turned my head to the third guy, who was now laughing with the other man. They both wore your standard black and white suit, except they had their collars and ties undone. "Now you shut your damn mouth. I ain't afraid of no damn batboy! He's just a pussy in a costume!" I looked up at the chief, trying to gauge his level of anger. I needed to be careful about how I approached this. To please all of them while still cooling everything off. I went with the easiest route. "Ugh, Batman. He thinks he's so high and mighty, running all over Gotham like he owns it. It makes me feel so much safer knowing you guys are out there." I smiled with teeth, trying to make eye contact. Honestly, I'd never thought much of the guy. I'd never seen him before, and as I see it, he didn't do much for the city. He was just kind of there, used as an intimidation tactic. But then again, I never really cared much about him in the first place. "We'd always wanna protect a sweet thing like you." The second guy spoke for the first time. He had a naval, annoying voice. He was a short bald man, with a patchy beard. I gave him my sweetest smile, and battered my eyelashes.

They talked and flirted some more and ordered me a drink, and after about 20 minutes of feeling me up and disgusting attempts at talking dirty, they suggested we take this to somewhere more private. I looked up at the chief, "We have private rooms in the back, for only 250 an hour." I slid my hand up his thigh while i said it, hoping to gain a reaction. "Hm, maybe we should go to somewhere more familiar." He didn't say this to me, but to the two guys next to him. They all smirked, agreeing with a nod. I usually didn't go out of the club, but I saw the role of 20s the size of my fist he pulled out when tipping the waitress. Plus, he was the chief of police. He wouldn't do anything like that to someone... right? "That's sounds good to me, just know it'll be a $100 up charge for out of house services." He didn't seem displeased by the news, so I assumed it was okay to continue. "Let me go get freshened up!" I said, hopping off his lap and headed towards the stairs. "That's not necessary doll." He caught my wrist, spinning me around. I hit his chest, and he grabbed a handful of my ass once I did. I pushed back the urge to knee him in the groin, and instead just giggled under my breath. "Well then lead the way, sir." I moved out of the way, so he could direct me to the door and to his car. He wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me against his side. He walked quickly, my legs struggling to keep up. We reached the door, and one of the other men slapped my ass on the way to open the door. I could already tell it was going to be a long, long night. The chief directed me to his car, opening the door for me. I stepped inside it, and took i my surroundings. The car itself was a newer model Ford Mustang, maybe a Mach-E. The short man entered the rear shotgun seat, and the other detective opened the rear driver seat. The short man looked at the chief, and exclaimed in an angry tone. "I don't understand why the whore is sitting up front." He glared at me through the rearview mirror. I adverted my gaze, keeping quiet. "Oh shut the hell up Maurice, it's not like you'd be able to see over the dash anyways." I tried my hardest not to giggle at the remark. The man grunted, throwing his back against the seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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