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"okay everyone is here now. Let's start." Koko said smiling. "Uh..Koko? What are you doing here?"

"Hmmm? I don't know maybe I hate Mikey that's why?" Koko replied with venomous voice. His smiling face replaced with a face full of regrets and sadness.

"Uh ...." "Don't bother asking partner. Everyone in this room hates Mikey." Chifuyu said sitting beside kazutora. "Yeah bakamitchi. Let's get this over with." Baji added ruffling Chifuyu's hair.

"Okayyy boys! Let's start now." Yuzuha exclaimed tapping the table in front of her. "Yeah. But who is he?" saying so Takemichi pointed at black hoodied person.

"Oh.. that's " Yuzuha pulled the hoodie revealing long black haired Mitsuya with red fluffy eyes. It looked like he cried for months. "Me" Mitsuya replied with a bitter smile.

"What happened to you?.. are you okay Mitsuya..?" Takemichi worriedly asked. "Hm? I wonder..." Mitsuya chuckled."what about you? Why do you look so pale? Did Mikey do that?" Mitsuya added.

Takemichi slightly nodded holding back his tears remembering everything Mikey did to him. Chifuyu clenched his fists while Naoto's eyes become darker. Yuzuha saw the uncomfortable tension in the room and decided to break it saying, "boys?? I don't have all day. Let's talk about past later."

After seating up in the chair they all looked at Yuzuha. Yuzuha threw a file in the table next to Takemichi and said,"open it Takemichi." Takemichi opened the files and started reading the context. He started feeling disgusted and was on the verge of throwing up. He threw the file to the table next to Naoto. "What the hell is this??" Takemichi asked as he was fuming with anger.

Yuzuha: "it's exactly what you think it is."

Takemichi: "how..? How could he???"

Chifuyu: "see partner. He wasn't just a asshole to you but to everyone. Don't even think about saving him."

Koko: "what's in that file? Spill the tea Yuzuha."

Yuzuha: "oh you are here. Well-"

Naoto: "wait Yuzuha. Can we trust Koko?"

Yuzuha:" yes of course we can. He has no reason to help Mikey anyway. But I will definitely kill him if he betrays us."

Koko: "yea yea now spill"

Yuzuha: "With Senju Akashi and Naoto tachibana's help we found out all the dark secrets Mikey and bonten holds. From extortions to murders, we have all the records here. We will use them to catch them all. Get Mikey behind the bars then Naoto, Senju and Mitsuya will kill Mikey. Takemichi can help too if he wants."

Takemichi: "Senju helped you? Why ? I know why Naoto wants to kill Mikey but Mitsuya too?"

Yuzuha: " yeah. He did terrible stuff to all of us but they suffered the most including you.Not to mention Angry...  I am not kind enough to let Mikey live. He is a monster that needs to die."

Yuzuha clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Taiju nodded as he looked at Naoto. "Takemichi we need your help to rat him out." Naoto said. "We already have proof so now we just need to catch Mikey and other Bonten's executives. Koko and you need to help us with that." Naoto added looking into Takemichi's eyes.

"Yeah bakamitchi. All you need to do is follow our plan. " Baji said.
"Don't worry partner we will protect you. You just need to follow the plan." Chifuyu added.

"Unless you have fallen for Mikey help us and yourself. We can do this alone but we want you to destroy him like he destroyed us." Kazutora said. "We don't have time Takemichi. Senju is in danger. We have to move fast." Draken said.

"Yeah Mitchy. Will you help us kill Mikey?" Taiju asked.

"Well..I.. of course. I WANT TO KILL MIKEY MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE DOES." Takemichi clenched his fists. Yuzuha smiled started explaining the plan.

According to Yuzuha, their plan was making a fake abducting scene to make Mikey arrived on the spot from where Naoto would arrest him. In that plan Mitsuya, Baji, kazutora and Draken was going to act as kidnappers. Koko and Takemichi would be the hostages. Yuzuha would help them with her gangs support along with Brahmans. Taiju, Chifuyu's job was to protect Takemichi, Koko. Since Koko already messed up Mikey's place making it look like Hanagaki got kidnapped their plan already started.

Since their main plan was going to take place tomorrow Yuzuha asked them to rest. Which everyone agreed decided to leave the room.

As Takemichi entered the room he saw Koko sitting on his bed with a blue file. Takemichi went up to him and asked him why he was here. Ignoring Takemichi's question's Koko gestured Takemichi to seat next to him. He followed Koko's word and sat.

Koko: Takemichi how are you?

Takemichi: fine, why are you asking? Why are you here in the first place? Don't you work for Mikey?

Koko: woah stop. So many questions. Before I answer these answer my question. Do you really hate Mikey?

A/n: sorry for delay guys. Thanks for 8k+ reads :3.

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