I Can Feel Him.

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Stiles' POV.

I sit with my head in my hands, there's a knocking, almost like a pounding in my mind. I can feel him getting closer to the surface as a wave of dread forces me into silence. The pain of his presence builds as every part of my aching body and mind hold him tighter. As losing my grip on him is not a thought I'd dare to even entertain.

"Stiles? Are you okay?" Scott asks with concern draped over his tone like a sheet, covering his fear.

I raise my head from my hands and run my hand through my hair. I then take a deep breath in, "Yeah, I'm fine." I say, with as much comfort as I can give.

"Are you...Stiles?"

He whispers, dragging his S's for just one second too long.

I shake it off as best I can and wait patiently for Deaton to arrive. As we wait, Scott walks over to me and places his hand on my shoulder, he then looks down at me and ties his eyebrows in a knot, "Are you...Stiles?" I look up at him with a bit of shock written on my face. Taken aback at how similar it was to the Nogitsune. Almost like the Nogitsune knew he was going to ask me like that.

"Sorry for the wait. I was getting the needle ready." Deaton explains as he calmly makes his way into the room. A needle in his hand. "Comfortable?" He asks.

"Incredibly." I say sarcastically.

"Are you ready Stiles?" Deaton asks.

"You know you want to let me out."

"You know you miss me."

"You miss being powerful Stiles."

"I can make you powerful again."

His voice echos throughout my mind. Consuming it. My heart begins to race and my thoughts become more and more unclear. "I'm ready. Do it. Do it now." I say with no hesitation.

Deaton walks over and gently puts the needle in the vain of my neck. I tense slightly at the pinching sensation but soon relax as I feel the liquid enter my body.

My heart begins to slow as the Nogitsune's voice becomes quieter and quieter. Not fully gone but not fully there either.

"Better?" Deaton asks.

I take a deep breath out, "Better."

"Remember. It's only temporary until we can figure out a way to expell him." Scott explains. I nod and lean my head back on the wall behind me taking a deep breath.

Scott and I soon leave the vet building and head to Derek's for another pack meeting. I'm not sure how this is going to go seeing as how it's the first one since Allison died. And it's the first time any of them have seen me besides Scott.

We walk into the loft together as the Nogitsune whispers in the back of my head. As the days go on the whispers grow into screams, until I get the injection again. It's not exactly the best solution, but it's all we have for right now.

"Scott. Stiles." Derek nods. Looking me up and down with a hint of concern in his eyes.

I keep my head down, refusing to make eye contact.

"They hate you Stiles. They hate us."

"For what we did."

"What you did..." I whisper, catching the attention of Scott.

"What'd you say?" He asks.

"Nothing." I respond.

"If it's what I did, then why can't you look them in the eye?"

I pause for a moment. Taken aback by his question but I soon shake it off.

"How is Deaton doing with that cure for Stiles?" Derek begins, looking at Scott with a sterness in his stare.

"He's working on it." Scott starts, "But he hasn't found anything yet." He finishes in defeat.

It had only been less then a week since Allison's death. Since we....he killed her. I could feel everyone's stares. But none more then Isaac's.

"So...are we just gonna pretend that what happened didn't happen?!" He asks. I flinch slightly and Derek notices.

"Isaac. That wasn't Stiles' fault." My heart sinks slightly at the fact that he'd even have to state that in the first place. As though what Isaac was thinking was justified. That I would have anything to do with what happened to Allison. That if I was able to stop it, I simply chose not to. Tears started forming in my eyes and my breathing became uneven.

"Someone needs to be held responsible!" He yells.

"Yes! The person responsible!" Scott exclaims. I knew he could smell my guilt. And I knew he could hear my heartbeat.

"And you claim she was your first love." Isaac mumbles.

"She was. Way before she was yours." Scott says sternly. Standing his ground.

Isaac growls to himself before storming out of the room in a fit of rage. I stand, trembling slightly as my head starts pounding. I can feel my composer breaking as my lip begins to quiver. "It wasn't your fault Stiles." Lydia says, "We all know that. It might just take longer for some of us." She finishes. Placing her hand on my shoulder gently causing me to shutter ever so slightly.

I find my way back home, preparing myself for the nightmares I'll inevitably be having that night as the memories of Allison wash over me.

It may have been my face that he was wearing when he did it. It may have been my hands that he used. It may have even been my fault. But she was my friend too. And I miss her. She was strong and brave. Braver then I ever was. And she died trying to save me. Trying to bring me back. And it got her killed. I got her killed. I never wanted any of this. I would've never let that happen to her if I could've stopped it.

"Then why didn't you?"

"SHUT UP!!!!" I scream with my hands held tightly to my ears. Tears streaming quickly down my face.

"Okay Stiles." He whispers.

"Enjoy the silence then."

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