It's So Loud In Here.

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Stiles' POV.

A few days later Scott and I went into school. We took a break from school after everything that happened with Allison. Isaac dropped out a few days after she was killed. We only really see him at pack meetings. And even then sometimes he doesn't show up. I don't mind that he doesn't like me, I never liked him. What bothers me is why he hates me. I already blame myself enough. I don't need a constant reminder.

We make our way through the halls and into our first class. I place my bag on the floor and take a seat. Scott always sits next to me. He won't say it out loud but I know he's been keeping a close eye on me. I'm sure it's mainly out of concern. But a part of me wonders if he's scared. Not just for me, but...

"Of you."

My breath catches in my throat like a sharp hiccup. And soon I start hearing humming. It sounds hollow. His humming grows slightly louder.

Couch walks to the door. I can hear his footsteps in the hallway. My ears start ringing and his footsteps sound more like a sledgehammer with every step he takes. The buzzing of the light above me sounds like a drill and soon every sound combines together into one ball of mind numbing noise.

I can feel Scott's stare as my heartbeat becomes faster. My chest is on fire and I can't seem to catch my breath.

"Is it loud in here??" I ask with an anxious tone. Scott looks at me with scrunched eyebrows.

"Dude. Are you okay?" I look around the room as the lights begin to dim. My head still consumed with humming.

Couch has already started talking but it sounds more like a screeching sound. "We're going to kill them Stiles." He hums in delight. He's getting to me and I can't let that happen.

"We're going to kill all of them."

"Just like we did to Allison."

I stand up suddenly and quickly making my way to the door. "S-Sorry Couch. I gotta...I gotta go to the bathroom." I push through the door and rush to the restroom where I place my hands on the rim of the sink. I can hear Scott's hurried footsteps as he races after me, yelling my name and pleading for me to stop.

He comes through the door but I don't notice. The Nogitsune's voice is too much. I can't collect my thoughts and I soon find that I'm arguing with him.

"I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna let you out!" I yell. Tears streaming quickly down my face.

"I can help you Stiles. All that pain. All that guilt. I can make it go away. Just let me out, and I'll turn it off."

My hands are trembling and I feel as though I'm going to pass out, "No no no no NO!!!" I punch the mirror in the bathroom and it shatters. Leaving cuts on my knuckles. Blood starts dripping on the bathroom tile and Scott approaches me with concern and caution.

He takes my hand in his and black veins begin to run up his hand. He winses quietly as the veins only grow darker. He let's go of my hand and quickly takes a step back, shock and worry written clearly on his features.

Still unaware of my surroundings, I start crying louder and heavier. Scott takes my shoulders in his hands and starts to lightly shake me.

"Stiles! Stiles! It's okay! You're in control!" He yells. Tears forming puddles in his eyes.

"Stiles, look at me. Look at me." My eyes meet his and I realize what's going on. I look him up and down in confusion before looking at my hand.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper, "I-I'm so sorry." My crying becomes quieter but doesn't stop.

He then wraps me in a hug and holds me there. Trying to comfort me in any way he can. As I fall more into his embrace I can hear the distant laughter filling the empty corners of my mind.

After school finished Scott insisted on following me home on his bike. The more I said I was fine the more he insisted. When we got to my house he walked me to the door. My Dad was on his way home from the station and I forgot my key. So Scott decided to sit on the front step with me and wait for my Dad to get home.

As we sat on the step in silence for a few minutes I knew there was something he wanted to say but wasn't. I let the silence settle in and it soon pushed him to say what he wanted to say.

"Stiles..." He started, "Back at school, when I took your pain...." I could tell that he was scared to bring it up. Not because he thought I'd get mad, but because he knew how the conversation was going to go.

"That was more pain then just a cut up hand." I lowered my head as though I was ashamed. I didn't want him or anyone else to know how much pain I was really in for holding back the Nogitsune. I thought a little agony is worth it after what I....he did.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Scott asks. I look at him for a moment before sighing. Not really sure how to explain. "How much pain are you really in Stiles?"

We sit in silence for a moment before he reaches for my hand, "Scott don't!" I yell quickly. Scott's hand grips mine as the black veins appear. I take a deep calming breath of relief as the pain lessens, closing my eyes for a moment to enjoy what little bliss this gave me. But soon I open my eyes and just like waking up from a dream the realization hits. Scott is crying. Tears stream lightly down his face as he closes his eyes tightly.

I pull my hand away from his and look at him with concern. He opens his eyes and meets my gaze, tears still in his eyes, "That's not pain Stiles. That's hell." He sobs before hugging me.

"I'm okay Scott." I say muffled into his neck. Tears forming in my eyes.

"No you're not Stiles." He replies.

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