Part 1 - Prologue

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Having mysophobia is a pain when a person has loved playing volleyball and also planned to have it as a career, which is being a pro athletic in it. Oh well, what can they do when the sport is so addicting even though they have never tried others before.

To be real here, the addiction of volleyball grew when high-school came. Nope, it's definitely not the 17-year-old boy with piss-colored hair that is currently setting the ball up by overhand and delivered perfectly with his '10 beautiful, slender and well-trimmed fingers' that most people have usually done it underhand. It's also not the way his tanned, thick thighs stretched in such a position that had people talked all over the internet to thirst over. 

The very rational, realistic and 'no-touching' Sakusa Kiyoomi definitely didn't think or fantasize or poking those dimples on the shorter boy's smile which is so bright that the Sun had most likely melted in the solar system right after his own killer serve landed on the other side of the court. The dark-haired boy's blush was mistaken with the adrenaline that caused by the intense training.

Or that’s what the Sakusa-Oscar-actor-Kiyoomi thought. That thought was thrown away when someone had started making some noises around him. The source of the noises was made by the brunette jogging beside him and it had caught him off-guard to flinch slightly. The taller boy looked at his cousin by turning his head slightly towards him when he called out his name but was made into a ridiculous and childish nickname.

“Kiyo! Hey! What are you looking at that had you blushing?” Komori asked his taller cousin beside him.

Sakusa rolled his eyes, and sighed. Why is his cousin so damn nosy when it comes to him? Doesn’t he know that normal people usually turn red and heats up when they have an intense drill?

“Hey, Kiyo! Don’t ignore me! I know you heard me when you rolled your eyes at me.” He said with a slight stare but soon turned to a smile.

Sakusa turned his face fully at his cousin and raised his brow, then he responded with a little fast breathing and unamused tone. “What do you want, Motoya.” The brunette rolled his eyes, then he smirked. He wiggled his brows as he repeated his question. Sakusa mentally notes that he is definitely going to spray him with Lysol after this training.

“Come on Kiyo, don’t be shy! What’s got your attention so hard that got you blushing?”

Sakusa grimaced. What the hell is this guy talking about? Why is he saying that? This conversation not making any sense. However, he still responded to the brunette that is still jogging beside him. “Motoya, can you just think more rationally? Obviously, it’s just the adrenaline in me.”

Komori laughed, waving his hand left to right repeatedly. Sakusa wants to spray the Lysol on his face before he can even continue to reply his argument.  “Kiyo, are you seriously thinking that I’m going to believe that? Okay fine, even if it’s the adrenaline that made your face red, what’s got you staring all the time during this drill?”

Sakusa frowned, he jogged to his bag when the coach whistled and announced the player to take a 10 minutes break. He starts to take his essentials out and proceeded to make himself feel better with them.

Komori followed him and sat on the bench while drinking the water from his bottle. Sakusa sighed. There is absolutely no point in denying his cousin. They have been together since birth, which is also a very unfortunately fortunate that he has someone knowing him this well, probably more than his own side of family. Ugh, maybe a little too well.

He turned around and sat on the bench as well, just beside his cousin. He looked towards the piss-colored hair boy that was drinking from his bottle that had made him sparkling. Sakusa’s almost fading blush has came back to his face.

“I wasn’t staring. I was just observing the setter that did a set with an overhand toss and that was normally done by an underhand dig.”

Komori turned his head towards the setter and commented with a surprised tone. “Oh, him! Kiyo, you don’t know him?”

Sakusa had to tear his eyes from the boy that is now adorably smiling while chatting with other players around him. He felt something burning in his stomach but shrugged it off to face his cousin that was still looking at the boy that Sakusa had his eyes on before.

“Well, I don’t think I will ever need to socialize much so I didn’t read about others that was not needed to know.”

Komori turned to stare at the dark-haired boy. He sighed and shrugged. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve already known that since we were born.” Rolling his eyes while pausing for a second before continuing. “But hey! Now that you’re in high-school, knowing more than you need will definitely benefit you.” He spoke.

Sakusa hummed. His cousin was correct in some way, it’s always better to know more than less. This could prevent stuffs to hit them hard in the face with surprise attacks. He nodded, allowing the brunette beside him to continue his comments.

“Ah, yes. The setter there–”, He pointed to the setter with his index finger then retracted when Sakusa nodded at his gesturing. “–he is Miya Atsumu. The number one setter in the high-school volleyball prefecture.” He continued to elaborate after taking in a slight breath. “I’ve heard that he also has a twin. I think it’s called Miya Osamu. Both of them were called ‘The Miya Twins’.”

He turned back to Sakusa and waited for the other to reply something back. The dark-haired boy didn’t turn to face his cousin and continued to look at the setter that is across the court. “Miya Atsumu, huh.” He grabbed his bottle to sip some water before adding-on, “His tosses looked trusting enough for me to hit it without doubting for a second.”

Komori chucked at his statement. He stood up and walked towards the middle of the court to line up when the coach whistled for assemble. Sakusa followed suit with him.

“Damn, Kiyo. You’re really giving him the praise when you said that his tosses looked trusting.” Sakusa shrugged. It’s true, no one would be able to do the difficult sets with such efficiency and elegantly. It even caught his eyes when the setter first introduced his own name with a slight grin on his face.

He mentally shook his head to temporarily stop those strange thoughts. He then replied to his cousin with a bored tone. “I’m just stating facts, there’s nothing to praise about it.”

Komori stood beside Sakusa as they lined up for the announcement from their coach, he then turned his face a little to look at his taller cousin. Smirking as he said, “Alright, Kiyo. Whatever helps you sleeps at night, I guess.”

Sakusa didn’t want to reply to his annoying and nosy cousin currently, so he glared at the brunette. However, the other was long immune to the deadly glares Sakusa made towards him. It was one of the benefits for growing up with the one and only Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Sadly, he didn’t know, Komori had already planned something mentally in his head while also mildly focusing on the coach’s words. And that’s was most likely the days of Sakusa’s hell starting.


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