2 | pollito

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"Okay," I trailed off, unsure.

Guys with guns telling me to follow them? Oh, yeah, just go on ahead and follow them, Liz. What could possibly go wrong?

"Come, now. Before you bleed out." Clint urged as they started moving towards the cars that brought them here. Carson turned back again to wait for my answer and only started moving when I nodded back at him.

The other men walked past me with long strides and I tried to fasten my pace, so as not to get left behind. I halted, realizing that everyone had their backs on me. I didn't have to follow. Why am I following them?

I held my breath, needing to decide quickly. And without a complete thought, I took what was needed and left the scene, walking with agility to my car, not once looking back.


For the past few weeks, I lived my life doing the exact opposite of that. I looked behind my back with every sudden sound. I jump from every touch that came unannounced. The first night back, I even slept with my windows locked. God, I'm a wuss.

Gradually, I've started to calm down and realize that they probably have problems bigger than me and have completely forgotten about the whole thing, as emphasized by my best friend.

With my phone clutched in my hand, fingers coiled around the piece of technology with the numbers 911 ready to call, I unlocked and opened my windows, letting the cool breeze rush back into my apartment.

Letting out a small sigh, I put the phone down and shook my head. "This is ridiculous," I muttered. "You're graduating in a couple of days, Liz, keep it together."

And so, as I left my apartment that day, I took a deep breath and let everything go. I am graduating, for God's sake.

The reminder was enough to put a smile on my face.

I finally rang up Sofia to invite her to a graduation shopping spree that was way overdue.

"You bitch!" These were the first words that I heard from her. "You kick me out of your apartment then ignore all my fucking calls? Lo juro por Dios, I'm going to kill you... [I swear to God]"

Ahh, I missed her.

"Sofi, baby, I missed you so much, you can not believe what happened to me today."

Her rant abruptly stopped. I can just feel her holding her breath with curiosity, a scrunch between her eyebrows and one hand on her hip. "Tell me then, perra estupida! [stupid bitch]"

"I finally opened my windows!"

A pause.

And then we both squealed at the revelation as if it was some big news. "Where are you? I want to go shopping."

"I told you, pollito [chicken]! They won't even remember your face- espera [wait]," she cut off and I heard her scream what I can only guess as profanities to someone else outside the call. "Sorry, sorry, someone had bumped into me."

I laughed, and before I can even reply, she continued, "ahh, si [yes]! We're going shopping! Where are you, pollito? I'll pick you up."

A few shopping bags later, we finally reached the dress section, finding a cozy boutique by the churro stall.

"So, you're telling me, that you're only now getting a dress for graduation?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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