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my eyes opened, and I was immediately blinded by a bright light above me, I lay up to see I was in a dark scary dirty basement that had all this hospital equipment and a big door in front I got up and looked out the small window of it to see carter and some guy in a doctor outfit the strange man handed carter a bag full of needle's and pills

I was in such shock did carter just give me up to this guy for some drugs I don't want to be this strange man's test dummy I tried to open the door, but it was locked I started banging on it to get their attention carter looked my way and came to the door opening it

I was going to give him a piece of my mind before he left after selling me off when he walked in I slapped him and started hitting him he grabbed both of my arms and looked me dead in my eyes with the most serious look as if he were to kill me if I didn't stop

he let go of my arms and grabbed my face with one hand and pulled it to his face, I could smell cigar smoke all over him

"cut it out now" I did what he said, and he let go of my face I stood up straight and wiped my nose trying to get rid of the scent of his whisky breath

"What's wrong with you," he said, his voice had a hint of anger but mostly concern

"What's wrong with me? You just sold me off to that guy for some CVS pharmacy drugs what did I ever do to you" I started crying I hated carter, but I much rather be with him than be used as a test subject

"I didn't sell you off for drugs you dumbass you are allergic to tomatoes anything with tomatoes in it like ketchup or BBQ sauce your face will blow up, and your skin will get itchy"

I already knew that but how was I supposed to know it had tomatoes in it "speaking of itchy the doctor told me to give you some, Benadryl won't imminently stop the itching and sore throat, but it will slow it down till you are fine again, and it will make you sleepy and drowsy here"

he handed me a small bottle of water and put 2 small pink pills in my hand I took them and put them in my mouth then drank some of the water I looked at him he looked so concerned "come on the vans waiting "

He grabbed my hand and I followed him outside I looked around as we walked out of some kind of warehouse filled with big scary men "what is this place" I asked as I tapped his shoulder

"it's my business warehouse where I sell and store everything and where I conduct my business and make money moves," he said stopping in front of me and fixing his suit with a cocky look on his face I looked around again to see men putting handfuls of the small dark black bags on scales like they were weighing the bags

the bags had logo's on them it was an image of a snake wrapped around a lion all of a sudden a loud bang rang through the warehouse I was tackled to the floor I turned over on the ground and carter was on top of me I was looking up at him while he was looking around the room

he had a nice side profile he looked at me for a split second then back up again I was still in shock when a voice yelled out "my bad everyone I dropped one" carter go off of me and helped me up carter let go of me and went over to the guy and punched him in the face

"I'm sorry I dropped one chill out" carter grabbed the guy by his arm and dragged him up the stairs to a door a couple of guys walked in after carter and they closed the door behind them

another man in a suit pulled my arm "let's get you to the car Ms. Alice" he grabbed my hand gently much softer than carter ever do we walked past some people and made it to some big doors when we walked out the bright afternoon sun hit my face I started to look up at the man

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2022 ⏰

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