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I really feel sorry for you zaish it's not fair but know that this is Allah's doing it's a test and you know all Muslims shall be tested some with poverty some with illness and some with losing their loved ones but this is your own test okay so just accept it and all will be fine karima assured

Zaish nodded as if karima is watching her because she called karima and then added an okay

I'll visit you if I have the chance okay karima said before hunging up

Karima's POV

Shamsudeen's call came the moment hung the call with Zaish

Hello karima


Have you heard that Zaisha is getting married

Of course I'm her bff duh

Oh yes so do you know when is the wedding

No she didn't tell me
But wait what will you do

I don't understand

I mean she's getting married not to you but someone else so how are you feeling or how are you coping with it

To be honest it's hard really hard for me to see the person I love marry someone else but what can we do I've tried my best but I couldn't stop the wedding so I guess I'll just leave

Leave? Where will you go to


Maiduguri? And what will you do there

I work there remember

Oh yes I remember but I feel bad for but don't worry it'll be alright okay?


And with that he hung up

Shamsudeen Muhammad is the son of a late business tycoon in Maiduguri and a model he took over his father's business when he was only twenty years old his father died when he was five years old he grew up in his uncle's house and sometimes goes to his mother's new husband's house ( his step father)

Zaish's POV

Different aunties coming to our house to congratulate mom and me, my favorite cousin Aisata is the only person in the whole family that understands my pain and pities me but the rest are all busy advising me and when I said that I don't want to marry him they would all scold me and tell me how lucky I am and that it's not a bad thing, they just wouldn't listen to me or ask for my opinion urrgh I sometimes hate this part of our culture or shall I say always the part that they'll have to choose who you'll get married to even though my family isn't the type that will get you hitched with someone you don't know but today there doing it

My heart broke once again when I saw sham's call I picked the call and he informed me that he's here and I should come out to meet him I okayed and wore a sky blue kimono on top of my white t-shirt and leggings rolled my white veil carried my phone and wore my flat shoe and left

No one noticed that I was gone because they're all busy feasting

Hey there I said when I saw him lean on to a tree in front of our house his back facing me and thank God it's night

Hey gorgeous he said turning to face me

How are you

I'm fine and you

Am fine as well

Ok good
I am here to say goodbye to you


Of course you're getting married soon so I have to give up right

I looked down

When is the wedding

It's supposed to take place next two weeks but they brought it close to this Saturday

Saturday? You mean this Saturday that is coming

Yes since today is Sunday so I think it'll take place in six days

I really can't believe that you're getting married to someone else

Yeah me too I said looking down
I just can't look at him. We stood there in silence for some minutes before he finally spoke

So I guess I'm not supposed to come and see you again right

I think

Ok then I'll leave now but before I go I want to tell you something


You're the best thing that ever happened to me, I don't think I can ever love any girl the way I love you and I can't stop loving you but I'll try I won't call nor text you but tell your sister's husband to take care of you because he's lucky to have you as a wife and never let a tear drop from your eye because your tears are very precious and let him make you smile everyday because your smile is like a morning sun so innocent but it kills my heart no matter what let him not dare hit you or raise his voice at you he should handle you with care because you're fragile

He stopped to take a deep breath and my eyes are filled with tears

I love you so much but we're not meant to be I think and I promise you that I will never forget you I won't bother you anymore I won't live here in Abuja again I'll go to Maiduguri for good so tell the guy not to worry because you won't see me

He kissed me on my forehead before leaving me in tears I watched as his car took off

I wiped my tears and turned to enter home when I saw ya Hussain standing I didn't talk to him nor look at him I just ran inside crying and fell on my bed crying hard until I fell asleep

It's a double update yeyy💃💃🎊🎉

Poor zaish poor shams I pity them destiny why 😭😭😭

Don't mind me please 🤭

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