Chapter 12

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Cheryl tossed Toni a swimsuit. Toni caught it, then looked at it and frowned. "What's this for?" She asked, confused. Cheryl rolled her eyes

"Swimming of course. Jeez Topaz, use that brain you claim to have."

"But, where are we going to swim?" Toni asked, deciding to ignore the insult.

"In the swimming pool." Cheryl said slowly, rolling her eyes.

"You have a swimming pool in the RV?" Toni said, surprised.

"Yeah. Magic, remember?" Cheryl said, picking up her own bikini and walking off. "Now hurry up, you need the exercise." She called over her shoulder. Toni rolled her eyes and got changed. When she'd finished changing, she started to leave the room, and then paused. Cheryl had never actually told her where the pool was.

"Oh, well that's just great." Toni moaned. "Now I'm going to get lost in here, and who knows when I'll be able to find the pool?"

"Walk straight down the hallway, fifth door on your right." Cheryl said from behind Toni, sounding amused. Toni whirled around to find Cheryl's image in the mirror, leaning back in the Jacuzzi and smirking.

"What are you doing that?" Toni demanded.

"Magic." Cheryl said, shrugging. "I realized that I hadn't told you where the pool is, and since you can't use wolf senses in human form yet, so I figured I'd tell you through the mirror." Toni paused.

"How long have you been looking through the mirror?" She asked nervously. Cheryl grinned.

"The great part of this whole system is that it's meant just as much for security as it is for communications. So I could see you, but you couldn't see me until I wanted you to."

"How long?" Toni demanded, blushing.

"Ever since I reached the pool. So, yes, I did watch you get changed. And I must admit, I'm impressed. I thought a mutt would be much harrier than you are." Toni's eyes widened, and she whirled around and marched out of the room, ready to give Cheryl a piece of her mind face to face.

"Cheryl!" Toni yelled, marching into the pool area.

"Yeah?" Cheryl asked, looking up from the Jacuzzi. She'd filled it with bubbles, and now Toni could only see her face.

"How dare you peep at me!" Toni yelled angrily, walking forward. "What on earth made you think that would be okay?"

"Well, I figured that I could make you forgive me pretty easily." Cheryl told her, smiling.

"And just how are you planning on doing that?" Toni demanded. Cheryl's smile became her 'sexy' smirk, and she stood up. Toni stared at her, wide eyed. Cheryl had removed her bikini top, and she threw her arms out, allowing Toni a full view. Toni continued to stare and Cheryl laughed and jumped up and down a little, making her breasts bounce.

"I take it you like what you see?" She asked, folding her arms under her breasts and pushing them up. Toni nodded silently, not looking away. Cheryl laughed again and climbed up out of the Jacuzzi. "Toni, you're drooling." She told the gawking brunette. Toni shook her head vigorously, trying to focus.

"I'm not drooling!" Toni protested. Cheryl laughed and put her bikini top back on.

"If you say so." She said, jumping into the pool. Toni rolled her eyes and jumped in after her. Cheryl let herself sink to the bottom and leaned against the wall of the deep ending, looking up at Toni. Toni frowned and looked around, treading water.

"Cheryl? Cheryl, where are you?" She called, turning around. Cheryl kicked off the ground, launching herself forward at Toni. Toni had just enough time to widen her eyes as Cheryl tackled her, wrapping her arms around her and shaking.

"Shark attack!" Cheryl yelled, pulling Toni down. Toni struggled as Cheryl hauled her over to the shallow end of the pool.

"Cheryl!" Toni protested, laughing, when they surfaced.

"What's wrong?" Cheryl asked, pressing Toni against the ramp that led out of the pool and leaning over her.

"I do have to breathe you know." Toni told her. Cheryl raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Why, were you close to dying due to lack of oxygen?" She asked dryly.

"No, but still, that was pretty..." Toni started to say, but Cheryl cut her off, pulling her into a deep kiss. Toni closed her eyes, then opened them again. "Cheryl, your hand is on my breast." She said after breaking off the kiss.

"Why, so it is!" Cheryl said in mock surprise. She smirked and squeezed. "What are you going to do about it?" Toni stared at her for a moment, then reached up and grabbed Cheryl's breast. Cheryl's smirk widened and she bent down for another kiss. After a minute though, she frowned and pulled back.

"What's wrong?" Toni asked, frowning up at Cheryl in concern.

"Screw this." Cheryl muttered, brushing some hair out of her face and looking Toni in the eyes. "Sleep." Cheryl said gently, hypnotizing Toni. To her surprise, Toni didn't resist at all, and she was asleep a second later. Cheryl smiled and picked her up bridal style, carrying her out of the pool.

Fifteen minutes later

"C'mon Toni, time to wake up." Cheryl said, running a hand through her girlfriend's hair. Toni woke up slowly, blinking. She looked over at Cheryl.

"What happened?" Cheryl shrugged.

"You fell asleep." She said. Toni rolled her eyes.

"Well I know that. Why though?" She asked. Cheryl shrugged again.

"I hypnotized you." She said simply.

"You what?" Toni demanded, sitting up. Well, she tried to sit up, but something stopped her. She looked to either side, her eyes widening. Cheryl had handcuffed her arms and legs to the bedframe so that she was laying spread eagle on the bed. "Cheryl, what's going on?" Toni demanded.

"I got horny." Cheryl told her. "Between all the sex talk yesterday and everything that we did in the pool room, I couldn't take it anymore."

"But why did you handcuff me to the bed?" Toni demanded.

"I told you that I'd get you back for wanting to use the riding crop on me." Cheryl told her. "So, your punishment is not being able to participate."

"Oh yeah, that's my punishment." Toni said sarcastically. "Because heaven knows, being handcuffed to the bed wasn't enough of a punishment." Cheryl frowned and moved back a little so that she wasn't touching Toni at all.

"Do you really not want to do this?" She asked, sounding concerned. "I don't want to force you to have sex if you don't want to. I'm a lot of things, but a rapist is not one of them." Toni looked at her, then gave a small smile.

"Un-cuff me and you have a deal." She said finally. Cheryl frowned.

"Do I have to?" She asked. "You look really hot like that." Toni blushed, but she kept a determined look on her face.

"Yes, you have to." Cheryl sighed and reached across Toni, grabbing the key off the nightstand and unlocking the handcuffs.

"Now then, lay back and let me do the work." Cheryl told Toni, nibbling on the other girl's earlobe.

"O...Okay." Toni gasped. Cheryl smirked and moved her mouth lower.

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