That Man is Dying

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A sudden light came in the middle of the hall at a big castle. From that light, a bunch of people, or dragons, beast people, and influential persons came, full of confused looks. There are heroes, royalties, nobles, heirs of many households, leaders of merchants guild, chief of many tribes, strong individuals, and commoners.

"Good Choi Han! Where are we?!" Raon flutters his wings rapidly, worried about the sudden transport. His smart-innocent brain can't think straight when he doesn't sense any power or magic with that light earlier.

Soon-to-be king when there's no war with the hunters, Alberu Crossman, frowned when he can't see a certain red-haired among them. That man always stands between his children, his loyal guard, his duo vicious butler-chef, and his guardian slash father figure slash an ancient dragon.

Choi Han also frowned like his student, worried about his liege. "I don't know Raon. What do you think, Your Highness?" He turned the question to the Crown Prince.

Alberu frown got deeper, almost making his prince-like face look darker. "I can't tell either, Instructor-nim."

"I can't smell Cale, Nya!!" Hong claimed worriedly to the adults. Ron scowls when seeing his puppy young master nowhere to be found. Mary got worried about her kind-hearted savior.

"My dongsaeng is right," even On agreeing with her brother. Seeing the always calm On look worried, they can help but also got worried.

"What is my dongsaeng do this time?" Alberu sighed, seemingly wanting to commit suicide if this thing happen because of him. He has a lot of paper works to do because of Cale Henituse. That man tended to make a hole in a mountain into destroying the whole mountain.

"Ck, ck, ck, that unlucky bastard...."

"Hoh, teacher really do crazy things. Dodori, do not pick that habit from your teacher," Mila let a muffle and quiet laugh. Dodori nodded his head, agreeing with his mother. Even if he, the great, noble, mighty dragon, Dodori, knows to a certain thing he can't be like his teacher.

"Hello, everyone."

A sudden voice startled them. They whipped their head just to see a girl wearing a white with a black skirt dress. She looks like a medieval woman with black eyes and bright brown eyes. In short, she looked beautiful.

 In short, she looked beautiful

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They put their guard up. They can tell this woman is strong since they can't sense her earlier. When seeing these people ready to fight pose, the woman just sighed. She looked exhausted, eyes dull and lacked of bright, almost seemingly looked like a doll.

"I don't wish to fight you. My apologies, I should have stated what is the most important right now," the woman frown a little before continuing her talk, "Cale Henituse is dying," she randomly dropped the bomb, thinking it's alright because they were in rush.

When she focused on them again, chants of spell, mana, daggers, and swords are ready to pierce her apart, although she can't die again. Calmly, a gust of wind past through them and forced them to back off. There, a guy with a handsome but villainous smile stands in front of the woman. He wears something similar to the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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