Returning "home" for the last time

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Emma agreed to return home to get her things. Upon entering the front door she was greeted by her mother Snow. "Emma there you are I was so worried" Emma rolled her eyes and went to get her things. "Emma?" Emma ignored her mother and continued packing "Please talk to me" Snow begged and Emma finally turned around. "You don't understand but I found someone here that does and she wants to be there for me, she wants to love me" Snow's eyes held a hurt expression just as Charming walked into the room "Emma hold on your not going anywhere" Emma shot her father a look of fire "Oh yes I am, I'm not a little girl anymore and I sure as hell am not your girl. I never was and I never will be. You gave that up as soon as I was born. I thought I was destined to be what I was my whole life but I'm not an orphan anymore, no help from you I might add. I finally found where I belong and it's not here with you. Now if you excuse me I have somewhere to be" Emma left the house, the door slamming behind her. Charming cradled his wife who was agony stricken. "Why would she think we don't love her?" Snow asked through her tears. "I don't know but I think Regina has something to do with it" Charming said still holding Snow.

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