Chapter 1

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Em's POV

        Three weeks ago, I arrived at Alexandria. For the first week, I kept to myself. How could I trust anyone when I didn't know these people, and the only people I trusted left me? In the second week of me being here, I got to know Maggie and Glenn. They became like my second parents because they were the only ones who took me under their wing. Their relationship is so cute I wish I'll have one like that. I know I won't, but a girl can dream right? Maggie had lost her whole family just like me. From the sound of it, Beth and I probably would have been great friends. She probably would have been my only friend. That is, until I got to meet the teens of Alexandria. There are only four of them so that's a plus. One of them is bound to like me as a friend. Actually, there were two of them. Mikey and Carl have been talking to me and inviting me over to their houses. I haven't seen Ron since the day I was introduced to him. Enid is a whole different story. She looks at me like I just murdered her parents in front of her. Looks like I'm going to be one of the guys just like I was in elementary school. Yeah, I don't get along with girls that much. They're too girly for me. Mikey is like the best friend I never had. He's really funny and he likes to tell me everything. When I say everything, I mean it. He tells me every little thing that happens. Carl on the other hand is a little bit more quiet. He doesn't really say much, but when he does it can be pretty funny. 

Since today marks the third week I've been here, Mikey invited me over to Ron's house to play video games with him and Carl. I only said yes because Ron happens to have my all time favorite video game; Infamous: Second Son. I used to love that game when I was little. Some of the guys would come over and I'd completely dominate them. I sure miss those days, but I see some good ones ahead. Especially now that I'm here. 

I enter Ron's house to hear the all too familiar sound of the two boys shouting at each other. Ten bucks says that they're playing Mario Cart. That game ruins friendships, man. But hey. Boys will be boys. As I go up the stairs, I look around to see if Ron's here. To no one's surprise, he isn't. He's probably off doing who-knows-what with Enid. The stairs come to an end, leading to a hallway that leads me to where the two idiots are fighting. I burst through the doors shouting, "What's up losers!?" earning a squeal from Mikey along with a little jump from Carl. "Why do you always have to do that?!" Mikey yells at me, meaning that this isn't my first time. It's true. I've done this so many other times. Practically everyday because I have nothing better to do. He throws a pillow at me, only to have one thrown back at him. "Expect the unexpected young padawan," I say back at him. I notice Carl chilling on the bed like normal. I do the one thing that annoys him, "Sup Grimes."

When I do that he gets annoyed, hence why I do it. "Why do you always call me Grimes? I should start calling you Rose," He tries to retaliate by using my last name. "Just let it go Jack. Let it go." All of a sudden you hear Mikey yell, "Bro she just quoted Star Wars and Titanic! Back off before things get ugly!" warning Carl to back off of the fight. "Nah," Carl just simply says. Then Mikey has to open his mouth again,"Why do you always fight with her?" I know what he's getting at. Ever since he's seen Carl lay eyes on me, he's been convinced he has a crush on me. How do I know this? Whenever I'm at Mikey's house, which is almost every night, he never shuts up about it. It's kind of annoying because I know for a fact that he doesn't have a crush on me. I mean how could someone like that like someone like me? It's impossible. I've seen the way he looks at Enid. He definitely likes her. He even snuck out into the woods after her one day. "She's the only who always starts it!" He states towards Mickey. "Does Carl have a little crush on my Em?" and there he goes. "Ha-ha yeah right Mikey," I reply to save me from any further embarrassment. I look back to see the one and only Carl Grimes blushing at Mikey's remark. Carl blushing? Something strange is going on here. He doesn't blush. "Hey Grimes. Don't you have to go sneak out with Enid?" I say with a hint of jealousy. Wait. Why am I jealous? I don't like him. "I don't have to Em." The way he says my name is something different. I cant really explain it, but it just gives me this weird feeling. Wait what am I thinking. I don't like Carl. I can't like Carl. He doesn't like me, so I shouldn't like him, right?

Oh shoot. I like Carl Grimes

A/N Hey guys! Brand new story! i have so many fanfic ideas so expect those soon. Also I will be starting my imagine book sometime sooni just don't know when. I got my phone and laptop taken away so right now I'm sneaking this. I should get them back soon. (btw i know the picture isnt from season 5 but idc because chandler is hot in every picture taken of him)

Adios Brochachos

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