Burning Out

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The hallways were slow, emphasis on the 'were'. Yancy excitedly takes you up the elevator and to his set, showing you around the prison-like space. He shows you the backdrops and the cameras and the costumes, introduces you to the background actors and even shows you the last scene they shot before he went to lunch. The rest of the guys stand around the doorway, waiting not-so-patiently for their turn to show you around. You were only there for about three or four minutes before Illinois intercepts with a hand on your hip, guiding you away and to his cave-like set, thats only a ways down the hall. You shimmy out of his grip but follow where he leads, looking back to see a group once again following, with Yancy looking frustrated.

The next room is Bim Trimmer, he pushes you out the room and to the elevator, where he leads you down to his set, thats decorated in big colors and glittery signs. You mustve looked a bit too interested, because quickly another man takes you away, and only then do you realize, you've been collecting people as you go, more and more men following as you run up and down the hallways, looking at the movie magic. What started as 6 people turned into 10, turned into 20, which turned into about 50. Now 50 men all trying to pull you one direction or another in the middle of a lobby, which quickly turns into some stupid arguing, petty insults and fists flying. You quickly duck, getting down on your hands and knees and finally making eye contact with Eric, who just looks tired of the situation. He perks up when he notices what he's looking straight at, before frantically looking around, finally motioning at you to follow him. You crawl through, reaching out a hand for Eric to help you out. You stand, looking at the group realizing Googles there with you both, staring at the group with the same tired expression. "Does.. does this happen a lot??" you ask, looking back to the brawl. "Yeah.." Eric sighs, "They're- I-.. I think theyre just competitive.."

You stand and watch them fight for what is surely too long, until one by one they realize you're watching them with a disapproving look, stopping mid bite and swing. They quickly all let go of each other, trying to resume some 'normal' pose, clearing throats and whistling tunes. Finally Yancy timidly comes up to the front, wiping his bloody nose on his now stretched and stained white shirt and scratching the back of his neck, "Uh.. Sorry." You can't help but chuckle a bit at the demeanor, huffing out a "goodness gracious" under your breath as you mess with your hair. "Um. I think i should go back to the top floor again, see if they're ready for me or not" You announce, getting some "aww- but-!"s from the small crowd. Google speaks up "Dark sent out a company email stating he was looking for you." "Oh hell!" you exclaim, "He's probably looking for me. I gotta go."

You push past the crowd in a hurry, getting into the elevator and pressing the top button before realizing Google is once again standing next to you. "Oh- I forgot- you um. Yeah you were gonna do something up there huh" You try to make a bit of talk, but Googles once again unresponsive, staring deeply into the shiny metal doors of the elevator. You just sigh and begin to broil over with nervousness again. You finally get to the top floor and walk to those big doors, knocking on them and waiting for a soft "enter" before walking in, Google still following close behind.

The room is the same, except the windows are darker now as the sun begins to descend into the colorful sky. You'd probably love the view here, if you had the time. Dark is standing behind his desk and Wilford was sitting in one of the chairs, but gets up when you walk in, quickly stubbing out his cigarette and fixing his shirt and suspenders before turning to face you. This Wilford, the way he is right now, is the Colonel. His face is drooped and eyes are tired and gray. Even his mustache expresses this, like a wilting flower. He looks older like this, a huge contrast from when you saw him at first. It makes your heart drop, you already don't want to have this talk.

Dark looks at you intently, before flicking over to look at Google. He doesn't seem to question his presence for long, looking back over to you again quickly. "(Y/N)," Dark starts, voice already too professional for your liking, "Why are you here, what business do you have with us." Your face turns into one of upset shock, "wh.. Why am I here?? Really?? You have to ask that? I'm here because you stranded me, I need help" Your tone is already angry and loud, you can't help it, already starting to cry again, "I spent everything I had on me to get here, I don't have anything, I can't even get back! I don't know this time period, I don't know anyone, yall are all I have, the only people that know what i'm going through!"

Dark seems unphased, it kinda feels like he's not listening, but you know Damien, you know he's going to take this to heart, one way or another. "I don't see a need, I see a want. Answer me this, why wouldn't she have gotten you out sooner?" You stare at him, again shocked by his response. "I.. I don't know, I'd always assumed you'd forgot." "And I'd always assumed she'd already taken care of it. She was always methodical and did what was best. But here you are claiming you weren't free."

He holds his hands behind his back, standing straight up. "Google, you can read vitals. Tell me, is (Y/N) here lying?" he calls out. You feel enraged, and Wilford quickly turns his head to look sternly at Dark. Google turns over to Dark, speaking clearly and monotone as usual " according to vitals, (Y/N) is not lying." he answers. "Am I lying??" You yell loudly, "How dare you! Why in Gods name would I lie about this??" "If Celine wanted you out she would've gotten you out." He booms, his voice loud and stern. You're taken aback by this, tears starting to well and pour. Wilford tenses, mouth falling open a little as he looks from Dark back to you, seeming just as surprised as you are. "I-I didnt- I Wouldn't've-" he stammers, but Dark cuts him off, "Google, I want (Y/N) escorted off the premises.

You gasp as Google obediently makes his way over to you, "NO! NONONO NO! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME DAMIEN?? ARE YOU SERIOUS? LET ME GO!" you scream, struggling to get out of Google's grip as he leads you out of the room. You cry and scream and struggle all the way down the hallway and into the elevator, though by the time you've exited the elevator on the bottom floor, you're just a crying sobbing mess. Google helps you out the front door and lets you go, and you quickly try to get back in, but he blocks your path back and forth, until you finally just ball your fists and scream at the top of your lungs, followed by a deep drag of air and a loud wail as you just break down, wrapping your arms around yourself and sobbing.

Google just stays there with you, even when you give up and sit down on the curb, crying your eyes out, he stands next to you. For a moment he leaves you, and you think he's finally gone, but he comes back with a box of tissues from the front desk to offer you. You thank him and blow your nose, officially deflated from the entire journey. By now it's dark out, and a chill has settled into the air. People begin leaving the building in groups or one by one, some of the men from earlier passing and saying a cheerful "goodnight!" before going on their merry way home. You begin to start crying again, thinking about how you don't have a home to go back to, and barely enough money for a meal, let alone a room for the night.

Just as you're about to have breakdown #2, Yancy comes out, wearing a jacket covering a nice t-shirt and some dark jeans. He sees you and your tears, and stops dead in his tracks. "Woah woah woah, whatsa happened??" he asks, crouching next to you. "They- They wouldn't help, I don't have anywhere to go" you shakily sigh, blowing your nose into a tissue. "Nowhere to go, well how'd yous get here?" He sits down. "Hitchhiking, all i have on me is 15 dollars, and inflation is rampant" you try holding in your tears. "Hey- hey thats okay! Um.. Here, if yous'd like, I'm sure my roommates and I would love to have yous stay with us for as long as yous'd need! We've got a couch and plenty of food, and our bathrooms fairly clean!" He offers.

You're surprised at the offer, "But I don't know how long I'd stay, I.. I don't know much about things here, it'll be hard," "some of the best things in life are!" he chuckles. "Come on, wes got yous." He stands, offering you a hand. You take it, standing up. "Wheres are yous things?" "I don't have anything. All I have is what I'm wearing." "Oh goodness" he looks at you for a moment. "Yeah. You can borrow some of my clothes for now! Or maybe my roomies will lend you something" he smiles, before motioning for you to follow. You follow, and you hear Google behind you walking too, and you assume he's going to his respective house, until you're blocks away and he's still behind you.

You stand, waiting for the bus with Yancy, and he notices Google there, "Oh! Google, yous comin too??" he asks. Google looks over at Yancy, "Yes, I will be staying as well." "Wh- .. Yeah okay. But we only got one couch, yous'll be sleeping on the floor!" "I have a charger." he answers. You're honestly glad he's coming too, he feels like a no shit kind of person, someone you can trust not to try anything. 'It's going to be a rough couple months,' you think to yourself. 

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