Loyalty over Love

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So as a side note, this is the beginning of my second mini-series that I talked about in the pervious chapter. So this the mini-series on Scarlett, who you got to meet in the pervious chapter. So enjoy!

Scarlett's P.O.V

Monday Nitro takes place in the Mall Of America tonight. And I am going to be in the corner for Sting when he defends his United States championship against Ric Flair, and when Hulk Hogan defends his world Heavyweight championship against the Big Boss Man.

 And I am going to be in the corner for Sting when he defends his United States championship against Ric Flair, and when Hulk Hogan defends his world Heavyweight championship against the Big Boss Man

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I put my outfit on, and I left to go find Sting. (Just as an FYI, she is a blonde that has brown highlights)

When I found him, he was putting on his bright colored jacket.

"matching jacket, matching face-paint, matching pants. I like it."- Scarlett

"Thanks. I thought of wearing pink and purple in honor of you."- Sting

"Aww. I do feel honored."- Scarlett

He hugged me, and I helped strap his title around his waist.

As I finished helping Sting, Macho Man Randy Savage, and Hulk Hogan both came up to us. The four of us are best friends. We always have each other's backs. One of them are usually in my corner if Dannielle can't be there, and I'm always in their corners during their matches.

We all talked for a while before Sting and I left.

Ric Flair came out first, and then us. Sting and I were high-fiving fans. I even hugged a young girl.

I stood at ringside as the match began. My back was facing the way we came, so I couldn't see the man who stood behind me. But Sting did.

"Scarlett! Look behind you!"- Sting

I turned to see a man who was about in his 30's. Built, blonde hair, (I don't know if you would call it a mullet) but his hair was shoulder length. White long sleeve and black pants. This man I just described is Lex Luger. I don't know why he's here. But I'm moving away from him. I heard He's had quite a reputation over in WWE.

Through-out the match, Luger never moved from where he was. He just stood there with his arms crossed, observing with a smirk. But he kept looking at me. Not a look of hunger or lust, but a look of curiosity. 

I cheered on for Sting, I encouraged him to get up, but I too was preoccupied with Sting to see that Arn Anderson was coming towards me.

He came closer and closer, and I backed up more and more.

"Get away! Get away! Hey! Leave me alone!"- Scarlett

I moved away, and ended up on the other side of where I just was. Luger was looking like he was worried, but I ignored him. Instead, Arn Anderson interfered in the match, and it ended a DQ. 

I ran over to Sting, while Anderson was busy beating up Flair. The announcer handed me the title, while I ran over and helped Sting out of the ring. 

Sting wrapped an arm around my shoulders, while my arm wrapped around his sweaty waist. We walked away, and Luger moved so we could have space.

Sting left, and I walked away to find Hulk Hogan. But of course, Lex Luger has found me.

I guess him and Sting are friends. I respect that, but I just don't trust him.

"Is he alright?"- Lex

"Yes he is."- Scarlett

I turned to leave. But he called out to me.

"What's your name beautiful?"- Lex

"Scarlett."- Scarlett

I smiled, and walked away, missing his smile.

Hulk Hogan was about to wrestle Big Boss Man, but I caught up to him before he left. Me and him laughed and joked around, then left with Jimmy Hart.


Needless to say, the match ended in another DQ.

And Bull Nakano got invovled, so I got rid of her. But that wasn't the worst part of it.

Sting and Macho Man all came out to help Hogan. But so did Lex Luger.

And when Luger and Hogan came face to face, they wanted to rip each other apart. I mean, a new man just showed up and is getting invovled with one of the biggest names of WCW.

I held Luger back, while Sting and Macho Man held Hogan back. And surprisingly, Luger didn't fight me.

Mean Gene came out and was trying to figure out what was going on.

"What are you doung here Luger?!"- Hogan

"I'm here because I'm tired of paying with Kids! I want to be where the big boys are, and I want the WCW World Heavyweight Championship."- Luger

Oh okay then.

"Is that what you want? Well brother just stick your hand out, and next week, I'll put the WCW title on the line!"- Hogan

Luger stuck his hand out, and the match became offical.

I hope you enjoyed! Next parts of the two new mini-series will be up soon!

With love,

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