The First Fall (Chapter One)

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Chapter one


Spyke remembered these halls, he could almost see the ghost of his mother as if she was walking next to him. The memories of her voice bringing life to each of the stories she'd tell him of their lineage came flooding to his mind; how he longed to experience just one more of her exaggerated tales.

Spyke came to a stop at one of the portraits, it was of Queen Zella. The scene displayed her in a field with her royal court, whilst people of the kingdom danced around in merriment. They seemed happy, but a picture could hide so many lies and Spyke was sure that this portrait did nothing but deceive. After all, his mother did boast of Queen Zella's enthusiasm to bring both the human realm, and the realm of daimōn together but that was a foolish notion.

Spyke's own mother had the same preconceived ideals, she had wanted the same. Their conversations on the matter had plagued his mind as he could recall his mothers ramblings of how breath taking and extravagant the lives of humans could be. How they lived as if each moment was their last and never took anything for granted. She spoke of parties, the music, outfits and how colourful the human realm could be. His mother was blinded by their ways and she couldn't wait to merge the realms so Skpke and their people could experience it themselves, but that dream of a union of realms was destroyed the moment she was taken away from Spyke. The humans who she once held dear turned against her and now Spyke seeked revenge on not just those who were involved in her murder, but craved the destruction of the human realm itself.

Spyke lets out a sigh as he turns away from the portrait, the hustling sound of chains catching his attention and drawing his eyes towards the furthest end of the corridor. The sight before him made his stomach turn, those vile beings were in his castle, chained and being led toward the throne room. Had the palace fallen so far in the brief time he was away? In a quick movement Spyke was by Bastain's side, a high born that was one of his fathers favourites; but just because his father showed him leniency, didn't mean Spyke offered the same. .

"What in the name of Mephistopheles are those revolting creatures doing in these sacred halls?" Spyke asked Bastian, who seemed to be amused by the current exchange.

"It's nice to see you too, old friend. As for why this delicious lot is keeping us company, you can take it up with your father." Bastian paused for a moment before he continued.

"I'm sure he'd love to enlighten you of his plans, he missed your presence whilst you were away. We all have" Bastian finished.

Spyke didn't even dare to glance at those twisted mortals, any pleas fell on deaf ears as a small growl passed through his lips.

"Get them out of my sight" Spyke orders as Bastian gives a mock salute and then shifts to guide the group of humans towards the dungeons of the palace. Spyke didn't take any care as he barged into the throne room, eyes glazed with fury as he walked straight up to his father who seemed more fragile since the last time they had an encounter.

"Leave us," Spyke demanded with authority, the guards stationed in the room throwing a cautious glance to their king before Spyke spoke once more.

"I didn't stutter, and if I need to repeat myself once more there will be a price to pay for the disobedience I'm being shown in this moment"

"Enough, son" It was the King that spoke next, even with how weak he appeared; his voice rang with sheer power that called for him to obeyed. His subjects quickly bowed their heads and removed themselves from the room, leaving just Spyke and his father alone.

"How honoured I am to finally be granted time with my own son" Spyke couldn't help but let out a small laugh as his father addressed him, he didn't have the right to be so condescending when he was allowing those filthy animals into their palace, into their kingdom and most importantly their realm.

"Cut the scolding, I want an explanation into why Bastian had those mortals in our castle"

"I am your King and I oversee the wellbeing of this realm, you have no right to question me in these matters" As those words rang out, Spyke stepped closer to the throne, towering over the seated king below. The gesture being one to assert dominance over the situation, Spyke wanted to ensure his father knew he was a threat, and one to be taken seriously.

"Those foul things ensured the death of the women you once loved, and now you bring them into our home despite the havoc that follows them. I'm beginning to question your ability to run our great realm. Maybe it's time you gracefully abdicate the throne" The King stood, placing his hand on his son's shoulder as he spoke.

"You're quick to judge and assume without knowing the truth behind my actions, be thankful you're my blood or that statement you just made would have ensured your death in the most horrific way. I know what is best for my people, for my kingdom and for this realm." The king took a step back, pulling his hand from Spyke's frame as he continued his ramblings. "Time will reveal what I have planned and what's in store, but for now you need to trust in me and trust in those I hold in council, and watch yourself. I will only tolerate so much. Now, you're free to leave" He gestured towards the door.

Spyke's anger raged inside him but now was not the time for action. It was with gritted teeth he nodded to his father and left the throne room. The time he had spent away had ensured he would need more clarification on what might have transpired during his absence, that was abundantly clear and he knew of one sure way to get the answers he seeked. It was time he paid his friend Faven a visit. 

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