The First Fall. (Chapter Two)

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Chapter Two


As she stepped into the dimly lit graveyard, Angel had the tiniest glimpse of a smile on her features. The once brightly coloured leaves that sprouted from the surrounding trees now covered the ground, crinkling beneath her after each step. In this sort of situation, some might have felt uncomfortable; but Angel had always found comfort in the dark. It called to her in ways she couldn't explain. It's why, even though she sensed with every step a presence was near, it didn't stop her from moving forward, it beckoned her to continue. 

Angel took in a sharp breath as she trudged forward, she'd been here every week since the *accident*. It was something she did without fail; and after her fourth time she knew the quickest path to the plot she never fathomed she'd be visiting. After one hundred and five steps from the entrance, she arrived as one of the smallest graves on the lot; not wanting to shift her gaze up from the ground and bring herself to look at the inscription that read.

"Gone, but never forgotten. The final resting place of Elsie Blackburn; a loving daughter and sister." 

Angel slowly drops to her knees, tears already threatening to fall as she places yellow roses on the ground before her.

"Mom and dad couldn't make it today, El. I'm sorry, but you're stuck with me" Angel said softly, lifting her head to look directly at the grave as she continued. 

"You know what dad is like, constantly working that he barely has time to sleep let alone do anything else, and mom." She paused for a moment, trying to find the words to describe her mothers current state. 

"Well, she's taking it day by day. Some days are good, some are bad and unfortunately today is one of her worst." Angel admitted, there was no point in beating around the bush. Since Elsie's death, her mother has been spiralling and her mood changes quicker than the weather. Today had been rough and the open wound on Angel's wrist was a harsh reminder of just how chaotic her mother could be.

"She's made five lasagne's since last night, claiming she can't get it perfect. The kitchen is a mess" A trace of a laugh passes from her lips before she sighs, twisting the hem of her dress between her fingers.

"I think she's convinced herself you'll be home for dinner, repeating the day of your attack and waiting for a different outcome" 

Angel stood, her mood sullen as she walked forward and ran her hand over the stone; her once soft tone changing to one with passion as she speaks.

"I won't stop until I find out the truth, El. I know there's more to this than everyone wants us to believe. I don't plan on giving up, not now or ever. I won't let you be forgotten, I won't let the real culprits get away with it. I promise you, your truth will be revealed"

As she finished speaking, the faintest noise alerted her to someone close by, though she was curious she didn't turn to look. She just assumed that it was another person coming to pay their respects to someone they knew, but as another moment passed Angel felt as if the person was breathing down her neck, turning to be met by a cloaked figure who was partially taller than she was herself. She should have ran, tried to figure out a way to escape in case this encounter went astray, but right now all Angel could think about was how calm she felt, like this figure was there to protect and not harm. It wasn't wise, but she didn't move and simply spoke to the being in front of her.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" She spoke with no hesitation, watching and waiting for the cloaked figure to speak, and after a beat they did.

"I haven't decided yet, but you are very intriguing to me" The voice was soft, pleasing to the ear and flowed as if the person behind it was singing.

"I do question your sanity though, why is it you speak to the grave in such a way? You do know your dead can not hear or respond to you?" They added.

Angel was enraged, stepping forward despite the danger that might follow as she responded.

"How dare you come here and insult me. Then proceed to tell me that my ways of grieving are in your opinion pointless"

The figure pulled down the cloak that was concealing them, revealing long flowing purple locks of hair as they shook their head.

"You misunderstood my meaning. It's just different, I'm curious. Where I come from, it is not the way things are done. I'm extremely sorry for offending you, that was not my intention" The woman spoke, offering out their hand.

"I'm Faven, and I come from the realm of the daimōn and you, my sweet Angel, are susceptible to my gifts of the future, which for a mortal is unheard of"

Angel was taken back, this soft coppered skin beauty was from the other realm, one that as children her kind were warned about; but Angel was not scared or feeling threatened. She took the woman's hand and gave it a light squeeze, smiling though her heart rate had started to spike slightly.

"Hi, I'm Angel... but you knew this. Wait! You can see the future? How is that possible, did you see me here? Did you seek me out?"

"Your kind are curious creatures just as we are. Yes, I see the future. The explanation is quite long, and right now I don't have the time to explain it all, but do promise that I will." Faven reassured.

"As for your last question, I did seek you out. I believe we can help each other. Your sister, you don't believe that it was an accident? You think it was something else?"

Angel nodded.

"You're not wrong, I can't see the exact details but I'm certain the information you were given is wrong. I want to help you, and I think we can help one another"

"How on earth could someone like me help a being like you in any way?" Angel exclaimed.

"You don't think very highly of yourself, do you?"  Faven frowned, pausing for a moment as if she was having a conversation to herself within her mind.

"I'll endeavour to change that. Angel, you and I were meant to cross paths for a reason. At this time I can't be sure for what, but the one thing I am absolutely certain of is that whatever the reason, your future is now entwined in both realms and I will be by your side every step of the way. If you shall let me?"

Angel stood silent, she was trying her best to absorb every detail Faven had given her in that moment but it was a lot. So many details, tons of things she had to consider and be mindful of; but what drew her focus and what she kept coming back to was that Faven also believed Elsie's death was not a mere accident and was willing to help her find the truth.

"How can I be sure you're not trying to trick me, why should I trust you?" Angel asked.

"All I can give you is my word, I do not wish to harm you and only want what's best for my kingdom and right now you're what I've been led to. If figuring out the truth behind your sister's death can aid me, then I will do everything in my power to assist you. I can't give you anything more than that, but from the look in your eyes I can tell you've already made your mind up"

She wasn't wrong, Angel had already decided that she'd accept Faven's help; she just wasn't sure what it entailed.

"So what do I need to do then?" Angel asked, Faven grinning from pointed ear to ear as she spoke.

"Come to the realm of the daimōn with me, there we will find more answers"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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