Part 14

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"So where do we go now? We can't go back, but we have barely any money and we can't stay in this city."  Jin looked at Taehyung.

"Our biggest problem is getting caught so why don't we buy some accessories and clothes first. I will look for a place to stay while you guys shop." Taehyung said while finishing his food.

Jimin wolfed down all of his food and nodded his head.

They left the café, leaving a few dollars on the table.

Taehyung handed Jin around 200 dollars.

"Don't waste it and be smart, meet back here in a few hours."

"Don't get caught, be safe." Jimin said sadly.

They both walked opposite directions.


Namjoon walked alongside Jungkook as he went downstairs.

"What did he look like? Did it feel weird?" He questioned.

"Did you feel anything? What did it smell like? Did you want to-"

Jungkook put his hand over his mouth.

"Let's talk more in private later." Before stalking off towards the kitchen.

They walked into the large kitchen, 3 boys were sitting eating at an island in the middle.

"Morning jungkook." One of them said with their mouth full.

Jungkook sat down next to j-hope, scooting closer to him.

"Remember those wolves that you chased to the city?"

"Yeah, why?" He shoved the spoon he was eating with in his mouth.

"We need to find them, do you have any leads?"

"Why do we need them? They aren't massive threats. Plus they are sneaky and fast, it's basically impossible to find them in that city."

Jungkook sighed.

"Just send out some patrols to the city, I will join in too."

J-hope looked up confused.

"Is it that important? you barely ever leave pack grounds for such small things."

Jungkook sighed and took a bite of an apple.


Taehyung wandered around looking for places to stay.

"Why are all of these places so... expensive.." He mumbled while walking down a long street.

He came across a small motel on the outskirts of the city a few hours later.

"Ok this is fine, it just smells like.. wolves."


Jimin and Jin were walking around a sterile mall in the city centre. The shops were pretty empty but the clothes were expensive.

They went into a few shops and bought sunglasses, masks, hoodies, baggy clothes and makeup.

"Jin look..." Jimin whispered.

Jin turned around and saw a group of tall attractive boys walking through the shops.

"Wait aren't they wolves?" Jin hid behind a clothes wrack with ten bags in his hands.

"What pack are they from?" Jimin whispered while peeking through the clothes.

"Blood lust? How'd they find us?!" Jin slid down beside Jimin.

"Wait did they see us? They are coming over!"

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