The Twins

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                                                                              Elena's Pov 

I woke up got in the shower for 20 minutes picked out a white top with black shorts with white shoes and a black hat and put on a heart necklace I decided to get Bex and Nik today so I went downstairs and sat next to Klaus then I said, guys, I want to see my kids now no waiting any longer I said to Klaus and Elijah and Klaus said "it's time we brought them home" then he kissed me on the cheek and I blushed

I like when he does that for some reason I really liked our kiss too I've never felt like that before it was magical I told Klaus that we need to talk about something that happened a few days ago he started smirking I rolled my eyes we went upstairs and I said ok this the last time we started kissing and he said "You said that yesterday" and I said oh shut up and took off his pants he took off my clothes (use your imagination)  then YK what they did guys 

hours later we finally came downstairs and Katherine was talking to Elijah and then she said, "babe, they finally came down Elijah"  said "Babe stop let's mind our business" and I kissed Klaus and They were staring at us then I said Klaus remember when you told me you wanted to show me you're favorite city now you get to show us let's get our kids Klaus said "ok let's get our kids"

E: Bex 

R: Yea Lena

E: we get to bring our kids home we killed

then we have Rebekah bring our kids secretly and we put them in their bed because they were asleep I said Bex I've missed you well talk about stuff in an hour Bex said "I missed you too and ok Nik I love you and I miss you" Klaus said "I've missed you too Bex" they hug then me and Klaus kissed and after Rebekah Looked shocked and said "we have a lot to talk about" Stefan comes in and kissed Rebekah after breaking the kiss Stefan said "I missed you Lena" I hugged him and said "I miss you to" then I called bonnie, and then I asked Rebekah to be my brides mate she said "yes girl" and Klaus asked Stefan to be his Bestman Elijah was his first bestman Stefan was his second

Katherine and Elijah came in and Katherine hugged Stefan and Rebekah she said "I missed you guys so much" and they say "we missed you all" then I said guys I forgot to mention Bonnie's is coming back they said "we missed her" and then I  said I need to get some sleep its 1 am and I need to focus in the morning and then I went upstairs put on a pink and white pjs and went to Klaus's room then Klaus came in and layed next to me and we went to sleep after cuddling I was dreaming about me and Klaus in the park with our kids I loved this so much in the middle of the night we woke up and started talking about our wedding and our kids around 6am we went to sleep

The next day

at 4pm I woke up laying on Klaus's chest I could feel his chest hair I got in the shower for 20 minutes then I picked I outfits for the day I chose a pink and blue shirt with matching pants and shoes then I woke him up and he got in the shower then he picked out an black and white shirt with a matching black and white pants and shoes then we walked downstairs sat next to each other and he said "we should go get Bex and Nik I said ok I have to feed them anyways then we went upstairs and grabbed Nik and Bex their stroller and their diaper bag and once we got outside we put them in their stroller and I pushed them we went to this house it was white and it was beautiful it was big we went to the house a hour later Rebekah called me and said "where are you and Klaus" I said hold on I got to go Nik is Crying and Klaus has Bex she said "ok" then I stopped Nik from crying by rocking him back and forth then I sat him in the playmat and sat down then Klaus put Bex in the playmat next to her brother I said Klaus Rebekah Called me he said "what for?" Asking where we are at I said then Rebekah called me and I answered and said what do you want Bekah? she said "where are you" I said Why do you keep asking me that? she said "because Bonnie and Damon are looking for you and my brother" I said Bonnie and Damon are here Klaus said "what are they doing here?" I said I don't know I called Bonnie but not Damon then I said to Bekah we'll be there in a minute we got the kids car seats and put them in the car and went back home and I opened the door Klaus was Holding the car seats with our kids in them

then I saw Bonnie and hugged her then I said hey Damon where's Matt ? he said "he's the sheriff now" I said good for him then I said Bonnie will you be my bride's mate?" she said "duh you asked me when we were little" I said that was care then we laughed then Care and Matt came in and said "surprise" I hugged them and said "I missed you so much" then me and care talked then I asked her to be my brides mate she said "yes girl I love you" then me and Rebekah and Katherine, Bonnie, Caroline went upstairs to talk and I said it's just hitting me guys I'm getting married that is the biggest thing ever I've wanted to share this with you all you're my best friends I love ya'll they said "we love you too"

I know its too longer guys do you want me to make Klaus have the same amount or best man as Elena's brides maids or not and do you guys want me to make the wedding happen next chapter or the one after that I might make Klaus and Stefan have the same bday different year Stefan is 19 and so is Rebekah just to clear anything up in this series Elena is older then them expect Elijah and Klaus

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