The Crow Father

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Image: sneaky_dudke on Twitter

We had walked for almost 18 hours straight, with few short brakes. I also got a lot of practice with Reydropellere because it started raining soon after we started out.

"How much farther?" I managed to ask through my shallow breaths. The walking was one thing but using my magic as well made it twice as hard.

"Couple kilometers. About an hour," Wilbur told me. "Are you alright?"

"Just peachy," I responded sarcastically.

"Great!" He responded, not noticing my sarcasm.

I huffed out an annoyed sigh and continued, lagging slightly behind the group, and after a while Dream fell back with me.

"Need something?" I asked him.

"Not really, just wanted to give you something," he said, handing me a black dagger.

"What's this for? I can just make weapons of ice," I inquired.

"I know, but those won't do anything if you get into a fight with XD or one of his slaves," he told me. "This is a God Blade."

"Shouldn't you hold onto it then?" I questioned.

"I'd feel safer if you had it. I don't quite trust myself with something so powerful," he said awkwardly.

"You're more experienced and knowledgeable with daggers though," I argued.

"Just, keep it. Please," he said. There was something strange about the whole interaction but before I could say anything else Wilbur said we were here.

It just looked like dense forest to me, but everyone started looking around.

"What's everyone looking for?" I asked Sapnap.

"The porthole. It's normally something like a cracked boulder or split tree and has a strong magical aura," he explained.

"Over here!" Techno called.

The thing he pointed to was a small area of completely dead plants. Stood in the middle was a giant Dark Oak, also dead.

"Hands on the oak," Wilbur instructed. We did as he said. "And try not to lose your dinner."

A hazy feeling and a blinding light. The world felt like it was spinning, or maybe I was, I couldn't tell. I grasped the dagger and Nikki's hip flask to not lose them.

After the spinning my feet seemed to land on somthing squishy. I had to wait a moment longer for the haziness and light to go away.

I blinked a few times, confused at where I was, until my vision finally cleared up. The softness under my feet was dirt and the brightness was the fact that we seemed to be in the sky.

All around me was floating islands, connected by either a little strip of land or a rickety bridge.

"No place like home," Drista joked, although her voice was flat.

"Does anyone have good memories or this place?" Dream inquired.

"Nope," Technoblade responded. "It looks pretty but we are in floating hell. Come on, we need to get to the center."

"Wait, shouldn't some of us stay here?" Wilbur asked. "It's dangerous for us all to go and we need to remember which porthole brought us here."

"Good point, only a few should go to the prison," Tommy agreed.

"I'm going to get Phil," Tommy said. "A max of five should go. Otherwise it would be to many and wouldn't make sense."

"As much as I want to go save Phil, I'm going to hang back. If a God comes along we need someone who can stall them long enough to get to safety," Techno said.

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