Chapter 1

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Hinata's pov

I checked my gym bag for my training camp which is I'm so excited about!

"WAAAH! I'm gonna see bokuto-san and kenma!" I said and jump I even blushed like a teenage girl.

"Nii-chan? Going to training camp again?" Nats asked from the dining room. "Yup! Where's mom and dad?" I asked seeing that she was eating pancakes alone?

"Ah they are at the casino, the one who's owned by the new rich family who lives next door"

"Why didn't you go with them?" I asked while eating the heated meat buns. "It's so stinky there full of drug users and I don't like the owner, their dog is annoying" she said as she added a bunch of syrup to her pancake.

"How about your gang anyway? Who's gonna take care of them while you're in Tokyo?" She asked as her mouth was full of pancakes.

"Can you take care of them? pretty please" I said and gave her a big pleading eyes. Her face can't seem to resist me. Hah! Take that.

"Fine! You know I can't say no to my nii-chan!" She said and jump at me giving me kisses. I chuckles and gave her kisses too.

"Here, sweetie " I said seriously and gave her my gun as a sign that I trust her.

"Huh? How about you?" She asked, I just gave her an "I already have" face.

"Does huan know?" She asked while holding my gun.

"Nope! He will freak out and send some men to look out for me, so go there and control him for a while for me ok?"  I said and pat her head and grabbed my bag

"Do you really think he will listen to a 7 years old girl like me?" She asked while raising her eyebrows.

"Then shoot him, duh" I said and rolled my eyes. I just kissed her forehead and said goodbye

I took my bike and go to the school, while parking it and locking it to the bicycle rack I saw my noya senpai and Tanaka senpai getting ready.

"Senpai!!!" I yelled and hugged them. "WAAAH OUR PRECIOUS KOHAI!" They both yelled almost making my ears bleed. They both carry me on the way to our bus. All of us become chaotic when I arrive.

"Oh gosh just get on" coach ukai said as he glared at us. We scaredly get on and take our seats.

I saw Kageyama sleeping at the window making me want to throw myself at him... So I did it.

"Kageyama!!!" I yelled throwing myself at him who was sleeping, his face immediately turns into a monster.

"B-Boke!!!" He yelled and pulled my hair making me almost cry.

"WAAH! Don't pull it!!!" I said and the spanked his shoulder. He let go and turn his back at me "just fucking sleep too" he said as he go back to sleep.

Why is he sleepy tho? I pout and look at Yamaguchi and tsukishima's seats. They get along so much.

"Do you want my neck pillow Hinata?" Yamaguchi asked making my face light up.

So I took it and smile "thank you yams!" I said and smile happily, now my neck wouldn't hurt while sleeping.

The neck pillow smell just like yams... I like it.


Tsukishima's pov

"Fuck tsukki did you see him smile?? It's fucking heaven, I'm so fucking thankful I brought two neck pillows" he said as he continues to simp at Hinata.

I just chuckled at my mind, yams really becoming worse when it comes to Hinata.

"You should shut the fuck up, yams, or else Hinata will hear you," I said making him cover his mouth with his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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