A Chicken In The Ocean

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It had been 5 days, and you still havent found any other cursed animal! You woke bright and early, ready to start your day. You went into your bathroom to brush your teeth, change into other clothes, and do your hair into a bun. Going down into the kitchen, you almost screamed when you found the talking bunny in it. You had forgotten that there was a curse you need to break, and you needed to do it fast.

Y/n pov

You made me have a heart attack Nimh!" I say to him, having a heart on my chest in a dramatic way. He looked concerned, i chuckled at his concerned face. "want something to eat? You cant really reach anything anymore.." I say to him, looking in the pantry for cereal. "c-can i have a carrot p-please?" Nimh said with a small smile on his face, my heart melted, hes so cute!

"sure! let me look in the fridge..dudududu.." I whisper, singing a tune thats been stuck in my head all day. I handed him the carrot, he said thank you. I yelled over at volks, who was watching tv on a recliner half-asleep: "VOLKS!", he wakes, with his head high up looking around ready to bite somebody. I snort. "You want breakfast?" I say to him innocently, with pure eyes obviously joking. "very funny.." He says whilst glaring at me, i try to hold in my laugh. "so do you want break-" "NO." I hear him say, i look at him with wide eyes. "damn okay.." I looked over a nimh, who was already looking at me, with a gleam in his eye.

"what are you doing?" I say, looking at him with a concerned look on my face as i tilted it. "h-huh!..oh! n-nothing!" he says fastly, now eating his carrot. I shrug. "IM GOING TO THE BEACH, for a relaxation day.." As i shouted, volks covered his ears whining. "dammit y/n! could you keep it down?!" I look over at him with concern, yeah i just met these boys but..there good friends now. 

"im sorry, are you okay?" I say to him coming closer, with a worried mom expression. He nudged over, he must be fine then.. "no, im FINE." i hear him pout, he looked at me. "just keep it down." "alright." i say and nod, i walk over to the bunny and kiss him on his forehead. He blushes and hides his face with his ears, adorable! "bye!" i say to him waving, going out the front door. I get a small "b-bye.." from him and then move on with my day, time to go to the beach!

I walked along the sand and sat down, I called my best friend, he said he wanted to do something fun and that i should call him today. The phone rings, and then i hear another voice. "best friend! WASSUP!!" I say to them excitedly, smiling through the phone. I hear them yell through the phone, almost making my eardrums bleed. "WASSUP!! so, about the thing we were gonna do?" "yeah?" "how about we go do karaoke? i know your super anti social but it will be fun, i promise!" He says the last sentence really fast, i contemplate and blink trying to process what he just said. "uhh..sssuurreeee..." i say with a akward smile on my face, i then hear my best friend on the other line jump really excitedly. "YAYYY!! okay thank you so much, what time?" "you pick" "how about..5 pm in 3 weeks??" "damn, thats like at night, and in a long time.." "yeah but it will be funn!!" i hear him say, with a real smile on my face i proudly say. "okay! 5 pm it is!" "Thanks so much! your the best! okay, bye!!" I hear him say fast, i blush. "bye!" 

I walk into the water, relaxed i swim on my back. I closed my eyes, breathed in-and-out. "i feel so much better..wait." 'IM FLOATING AWAY OMGOMGOMG!' I Thought whilst looking out where i am, i cant swim in deep water. I struggled trying to lift myself up, running out of breath. I then saw somebody trying to save me, a Rooster..A ROOSTER?! He kind of picked me up, i looked up at him.

"Rest easy your safe now." He said slowly pulling back to the shore, once i was fully on it he said something. "Sorry it took me more than four second to save you Im only half the lifeguard i once was...." He said whilst looking at me with a concerned look, i looked at him with a confused one. "I know, 'chicken as a life guard!' im a human its just..i dont know what happen-" "i did it" I said out of the blue, hoping he would understand what i just said. "Did what?" He said looking at me with a more angry face then concerned one, this looks like it isnt gonna be good. 

"I accidentally turned you into a animal.." i said, hands behind my neck scratching at it. He then sighed, I had the chance to say what i wanted to say. "but i am gonna fix it so i was hoping you could stay at my place for a while so i can figure ou thow there is already 2 more boys staying there that are animals so you wont be lonley-" I say really fast, out of breath panting, i look down at the rooster for a answer. He Looks up at me finally realizing what i said, I tilt my head to the said wanting a answer fast. He looks over and then back at my direction. "I dont know..i mean you are trying to fix the situation so.." "so thats a yes, right?" I say, wiping sweat off my forehead..gosh its hot out here "i guess.." I hear him say, i look back at him with a happy face. "ok, come on!" I say, as we jog to my house.

I checked the time on my phone, its 5:58. "its getting dark, we should hurry." I say, picking up the rooster and running to my house. As soon as we get their i get my keys out of my pocket, unlock the door and quickly go inside. I sit down on the couch, panting and sweating. Nimh came out of his room when he heard the door unlock, he hopped over to me and hopped on the couch right next to me. Rooster..oh the rooster! I walked over to the rooster and apologized about not greeting him with the others, He followed me into the living room and Nimh looked over at him with excitement but also concern. "volks!" i yell at him, getting his attention he looked over at me then at the rooster with the same face as he always does. "alright, i found another animal this is..wait what is your name?" I say to the rooster, he looked at me then at nimh and volks. "kelby.." he says, is he shy? Volks looks away, nimh sits down beside me as I sit on the couch, kelby asks if he can sit down beside me and ofc i say yes. "so kelby, what do you like to do?" I ask him, he sits down and looks at me along with nimh. "uhm..so i- uh.." he stumbles on his words and looks down, me and nimh look at him. "im a athlete.." i hear him whisper, i could tell nimh could hear him though. "really? i-ive always wanted to be a athlete, but i always got to i was to skinny.." I hear nimh say, kelby looked at him. "non-sense! nobody is to skinny for anything!" He says, a smile smile forms on my face as they start chatting. 

I get up to fix dinner, looking around the fridge volk sits down in the kitchen. I look at him as i get some food out of the fridge, he looks sad for some reason? "are you okay volks? you can talk to me you know?" I say to him, cutting up a carrot. "im fine, but..how do you trust people so easily?" Volks says with a confused expression on his face, i sigh and continue on cooking dinner. "i just trust easily, but some people did use me for my trust and big heart. whenever they did that i just dropped them, they are toxic and i didnt need that." I say to volks, not wanting to remember how mean some people are. "hm, yeah..like its that easy.." i hear him say, i shake my head from left to right. "as soon as they are showing signs of becoming toxic, drop them." I say to volks, i wonder why hes asking me this? "hey volks, what do you do for a living? you never told me.." I say to volks, cooking a steak for him. "oh uh..i work as a model..wait, you didnt know?" He says, suprised. "no, i barley keep up with that stuff?" He then tucks his head down, i put his steak on a plate and sat it down infront of him. "here, also..i know how it is to have friends use you. It sucks, cause you thought that they were different but, they werent. That doesnt mean you cant have friends though, that means that they were selfish and greedy using you, it also means that you should put yourself out there more, be the bigger person and dont let them get you down, you gotta try to make new friends cause one day you will find friends that really want to be friends. now i gotta ask kelby what he wants, and get nimh in here to eat." i say patting volks head, I see that volks has a little smile on his face. "I hate everything about this, also the moon is SUPER interesting now..i want to bite it?" he says, i snort and walk past volks into the living room to get nimh and ask kelby what he wants.

1673 words 

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