Baking Vegan Brownies For The First Time

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Y/n Pov

I woke up with a chicken in my face, yelling at me to get up. My eyes Lazily peaked open, looking around i see a rooster with a serious look on his face, along with a bunny who was playing with his fingers standing behind the roosters back. My mouth turned into a straight line with my eyebrows furrowing, i close my eyes back and covered myself with my blankets, getting comfy in my bed again. As soon as i get relaxed, i hear a certain somebody jump off my bed and go through my clothes yelling at me to get up again, I opened my eyes again turning on my back and looking up at the ceiling.

'Am i really living with animals that can talk?'

I thought whilst have my arms on my chest and putting my hands together, then i hear small footsteps coming towards me, and hear somebody climb my bed again. "oh great, your finally awake!" Kelby says, looking at me. 

I turn my head slowly to the loud Rooster, with a straight face i stare at him. "are you always this loud the morning?" I say to him, getting up and rubbing my face, grabbing a mirror from my nightstand, my face was so puffy and red..lets not talk about my hair. 

"Uh..duh? Why do you think im a athlete?!" Kelby says with his wings going everywhere, i pick my arms up from my lap and put his wings to his side. "please, let me atleast wake up fully before you go and flap your wings around, because im gonna have to pick up the feathers." I say to him, letting my hands go from his wings and getting out of bed stretching. I walk slowly into the bathroom, getting my toothbrush from its holder and putting the toothpaste ontop of the hardish' bristles. Putting the toothbrush in my mouth i look around my bathroom, i really need to clean it. I look back at my sink and spit the saliva mixed substance into it, brushing my teeth over and over getting the mouthwash out and putting my toothbrush up, taking the cap off the mouthwash and putting some of it in my mouth my face makes a 'ick' face, why does it always feel hot?! I spit the mouthwash out and grab a towel, wiping my mouth i get my hair brush, brushing my hair that was really knotted.

As soon as I gone out of the bathroom I was met with a rooster again, that had my sports clothes in their...uh..wings? i give up. "put these on were going for a jog! i havent had a jog in 4 days, that should be a crime!" Kelby yells, dropping my clothes infront of me holding his wings in the air going to the living room. I picked up the clothes that kelby dropped on the floor, going into the bathroom i rubbed my forehead not feeling very motivated to do anything, ugh im having one of those days..i hate these kinds of days. I peaked out of the window that i have in my bathroom, it was so sunny and looked so cheerful, i saw kids playing out in their yard, i smiled to myself remembering when i was that age. I put on the clothes and gone downstairs grabbing my phone and headphones, i finally saw volks laying on my couch looking at the talking kelby with a unsatisfied face, then i saw the sweet little bunny looking at kelby with a tiny smile on his face. I sat down on the couch and pet volks on the head, he moved his head aggressively to the side closing his eyes and laying down with a slight frown on his face, i looked at the sweet bunny that was laying beside me patting his head with a smile on my face, then i looked at the energetic rooster who had a a straight face staring at me. "time to go, i also wanna make vegan brownies!" i hear him suggest, ive never made that before.."Ive never had it, nor made it so i dont have the ingredients." i say looking around then back at him, i almost bursted out laughing because of how kelbys face was, he looked like he was flabbergasted. "omfg, youve NEVER had vegan brownies?!" he said, with a offended face as i nodded my head left and right petting nimh behind the ear. "jogging to the grocery store the, lets go." kelby said, getting down from the couch and walking to the door, i kissed nimh on his head and ran to the door unlocking it. "your so short, PFFFFTTT!" I say to kelby as he looked at me and put one of his wings were his heart was, acting offended and jogging off. "hey- wait no! i dont know where to get the ingr-" "Like i care...wait i do!" he said cutting me off then slowing down, i try not to laugh then we both jog at the same speed to the grocery store, i had my earphones in yet still noticed kelby staring at me, everybody was staring at me like i was crazy...i dont blame them.

We arrived at the grocery store, i put my earphones in my purse and kelby in my purse, you cant have a rooster in a grocery store can you? they might think hes fresh me.....yeah no. "alright stay in my purse and tell me what to get, i dont want to go to jail for doing crazy things like this!" i whisper to kelby, i see him nodding so we go into the grocery store and walk past many isles until kelby whispers wait, i then get whatever he says to get, as i go into self checkout he peaks his head out and i push his head back down. i run out of the store and start jogging back to the house with kelby in my purse still. When i get back to my house i open the door and put the grocerys on the table, along with putting kelby out of my purse. "oh thank god, what do you put in that? smelt like spoiled cheeseburgers.." kelby says, i stare at him for saying that and then go and lay back on the couch..nimh wasnt there? "hey volks" i say to the feisty wolf, he hums and opens one eye to look at me. "do you know where nimh went?" I say to volks, he then turns his head back and closes the one eye that he had open. "no." he says coldly, curling up into a ball. I get a blanket and put it over him, i then look out of the windows. "why is it raining, the rain makes everything depressing." I say with a small frown on my face, then kelby yells for nimh. I see nimh hopping downstairs, hes adorable. " we need your help with vegan brownies! we know how good you are at baking, im most indefinitely will you help us?" I say to nimh, begging and pleading but i guess he wouldve said yes anyways.

We preheated the oven to 350 degrees, poured 2 cups of unbleached all-purpose flour, spilling most of the flour on kelby, Then 2 cups of white sugar, 3/4 unsweetened coco powder, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of salt, mixing it into the bowl then, we put 1 cup of water, 1 cup of vegetable oil, and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract mixing that together in the same bowl. Getting a baking pan and putting the mixture into the pan and then put it into the oven for 25-30 minutes. After that we let it cool for 10 minutes then cut it into 16 squares, we all had one piece except volks because he didnt like them. 

It was still the afternoon, we were all watching a movie and i got bored. I slowly made my hand over to kelbys stomach, then started tickling him. "Squawk! No! Stop! Squawk! This is your doing! Squawk!" He said whilst i was still tickling him,  we were both being loud laughing. "oh. my. god. will you both shut up?!" i hear volks say, i then stopped but looked at kelby who was looking at me, then we started laughing again. "Oh man, I can't believe how often you make me laugh. Hey listen - no matter what happens next, you and I are good. Just wanted you to know." He says to me, my stomach hurts from laughing trying to get the words out of my mouth. "ah- o-ok-" I say, holding my stomach as kelby started laughing more. "no-no dont laugh..its gonna make me laugh..PPPPFFFTT!" i say, but then get interrupted by kelby falling off the couch, making me laugh more. Volks was staring at us with a annoyed face, while nimh was seeing if kelby was okay.

What a great day.



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