chapter 2 - Our painful past

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*5 billion years ago*

There was an unknown god that was causing trouble left and right until one day they created the god of chaos,she was named Hakos baelz

One of the most powerful creatures in history to be ever create

She killed people left and right as she was ordered to

The goddess would send their best fighter but failed every time

They all than need to combine most of their power to create "Project:Hope"

She was IRyS,she was a nephilim,her angelic side for her loyalty towards the gods and her demon side to kill the unknown god's armies

The gods trained her how to use her powers against her enemies and most importantly to defeat her main enemy,her mission was to defeat Hakos Baelz who caused many headaches to the gods since she keeps killing the armies the gods send to kill her but they weren't even close

IRyS was on a mountain,she was watching the armies fight until she heard a loud explosion not so far from her,She knew exactly who it was

The gods told her what the rat is capable of,she may contain a small body but she hold dangerous power

*After their fight*(sorry I'm lazy)

Baelz was for once was tired,she had never fought with someone as powerful as her,she was on the ground breathing heavily

IRyS was in the same state as baelz but she was attempting to stand up letting baelz know she is not giving up

Baelz finally got up from the ground
And began to walk towards the nephilim who was forcing her body to stand up

Baelz: you.... fought great,pal

Baelz than pat IRyS' shoulder and all of the sudden she fell, IRyS than caught the girl before she hit the hard ground

Baelz was unconscious since she ran out of energy,not long after IRyS also fell but backwards not wanting to smash the small unconscious rat on her to the hard ground

Not long after, IRyS' friends found her unconscious on the ground with the chaotic rat on top of her

After bringing them back and giving them a rest, IRyS and Baelz were called by the gods for a meeting

:Hakos Baelz,me and my colleges have decided for the crimes you have committed you now will be executed for your actions

Just as the ruling was about to be spoken of, IRyS interrupted it

IRyS:my lords,may I speak?

:Go right ahead

IRyS:what if we keep her alive

:WHAT?!You want to keep a murderer alive?she killed many lives IRyS,we can't keep her

IRyS:but she isn't our enemy anymore,if she holds great power maybe she can help the council in the next war against the unknown god

The gods all thought about it and agreed

:All right,Hakos baelz you will now work along with a faction called "council" if you do good we will let you live but if you do poorly we will not hesitate to eliminate you

IRyS than left the room meanwhile baelz was shock since she had been giving another chance to live,Baelz than bowed down to the gods

Baelz:Y-Yes,dear lords,I will do my best, thank you thank you very much

Baelz than ran out trying to thank the nephilim who saved her from her execution,she than caught up with the nephilim,Baelz was holding the nephilim' by her  wrist

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